Ann-Rebecca Drolet

Key points:

– A representation of all Med-1s academic needs and concerns

– Someone always opened and available to go talk to regarding

academic issues

– A representative having one simple goal: making your

academic experience at McGill as good as possible!



Hi fellow Med-1 classmates!

As your Academic Representative, I will make sure to always bring

forward your academic needs to the best of my abilities through the

2020-2021 academic year. This is a year full of new experiences: new

program, new environment, new learning methods for you and me, but

also for the faculty. I will therefore try to make that transition as smooth

as possible for you with regards to the academic aspects. I will for

instance make sure to represent your needs at the different school

meetings and ensure proper communication between the Med-1

students and the faculty. I also plan on organizing some group study

sessions and on sending Facebook friendly reminders for main academic

due dates or events coming up. I will also try to develop other concrete

ideas as I will learn my role with you throughout the years, always

bringing forward some of my core values that are collaboration, life

balance and inclusion.

Most importantly, I will make sure to be an accessible and friendly

resource for you if you have any comments, feedback, or questions on

class-related aspects of your McGill experience. It will always be a

pleasure to discuss with you about ways to improve the Med-1 academic


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