McGill Medical MythBusters

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About the Club

McGill Medical MythBusters is a group founded last year in order to reduce all the health-related false information spreading. As medical students, we felt like we have a responsibility to consistently disseminate scientifically based information in our society. Our main goal is to better inform our community and reduce the harm caused by the propagation of medical myths. We will do so by presenting evidence-based medicine conferences to individuals who do not have as much knowledge about their health.

Medical MythBusters allows medical and dental students to use their expertise and build a conference concerning a specific myth and then present it to populations affected by the myth. For instance, our first conference entitled “Demystifying the Quebec Health Care System” concerns different individuals and so was presented in different settings (i.e. schools, food banks, etc…). This conference is designed to help our community easily navigate through our healthcare system and to access the services they need and are entitled to. Another example of conference is a “Vaping and marijuana” conference which will be mainly presented in schools where this problematic is very prevalent. Additionally, an “Anti-vax crisis” conference will be presented mostly in pre-natal classes.

Our group also aims of granting vulgarized, simple and accessible resources that anyone can access at any time. This will especially be helpful since it will allow attendees of our conferences to consult and consolidate what they learned. They can also share it within their circle and thus increase the impact of our message. We will do so by creating a Website and a social media page with “trendy” methods of communication (memes, funny videos, pictures, etc.).

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