Emilie Palisaitis

Key points:

  1. Organize fun and SAFE events
  2. Listen to YOUR ideas
  3. Encourage ~~friendship building~~ <3


Hi Class of 2024!!


My name is Emilie and I’m super excited to be running as your Social Rep!


We are all going to work extremely hard over the year, but we can probably agree that some well-deserved fun is also a fundamental part of our med school experience! I am someone who is passionate, high-energy, fun, and inclusive who wants to help make your first year in med school as exciting as possible. Of course, there is no doubt that the pandemic will affect our social activities, but I can assure you that if you vote for me, I will work hard to make every event as safe, comfortable, and FUN as possible!!


I look forward to the opportunity of working with all of you to hear your ideas and do my best to make them come to life! I wish you all the best of luck in your studies, and if you have any questions, don’t be shy to shoot me a message!


Thanks!!!! See you soon on the Meme page!!!


Emilie Palisaitis

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