Social Events

FROSH (August)
Simply put, it is the best way to integrate and discover the McGill Med/Dent community. It’s really designed for everyone, as we make sure that it is not an alcohol-centered event during which your only gain is a major hangover. Rather, it is a welcoming week during which upper years students will guide you through super fun activities tailored for you guys to get to know each other while having a blast.

FMEQ PARTY (September)
Annual party organised by the Fédération médicale étudiante du Québec regrouping all four medical schools of the province.

CHEZ MEREDITH (All year long)
Chez Meredith is McGill Medicine’s very own 5 à 7. Held in our beloved Annex, this is meant to be a place for students of all 4 years to come together and enjoy each one another’s company in a convivial atmosphere. Chez Meredith is a bimonthly gathering where students can enjoy refreshments, music and good company.

The title says it all, every year the Halloween party is organized by your MSS in collaboration with the faculty of Law. Get your costume ready!

MEDGAMES (January)
MedGames is a weekend of friendly interfaculties competitions and party regrouping most of medical schools across Canada. It is held at one of the four Quebec medical schools each year.

INTERNOS (February)
InterNos is the annual ball of the Medical Student’s Society of McGill University. Regrouping more than 300 students from all years, this is a night you don’t want to miss (we are talking fancy dinner, open bar, trendy venue and much much more). See here for more info!

OSLER BANQUET (October/November)
The Osler Banquet is an annual dinner with medical students, faculty members and guests following the Osler Lecture, the most prestigious and distinguished lecture series sponsored by the Faculty of Medicine.



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