Key points:
- Safety and inclusivity during the Coronavirus era while still hosting as many different events as possible (both in-person and virtually).
- To promote sustainable and environmentally friendly social practices during our events.
- To promote an undivided cohort that has fluid pre-med and higher education student interaction – we’re here for a good time, so the more people are involved, the better (when this is legally allowed, of course!)
I’m Santina Conte and I am super excited to be running for the Med-1 Class Representative position alongside Charles Tessier! This is an opportunity that Charles and I would love to take on should you let us, and we are ready to make this year as social as can be (Coronavirus permitting, of course). We have tons of ideas for the upcoming year, but we also realize that the current state of the world enforces certain ways of doing upon us. This being said, we are ready to offer a balance of in-person and virtual events to cater to everyone’s level of comfort. Being stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t socialize, and now that McGill has upgraded our Zoom accounts, the sky’s the limit! Virtual game rooms, Grey’s Anatomy binge nights and video game competitions are only a few of the ideas that we have in mind. As for in-person activities, as much as we would love to promise loft parties, we all know that the world isn’t quite ready for that yet. Instead, we promise to be flexible and creative when thinking of what we can do to make the best year for all of you. Everything that we do depends on what you would like, but some ideas that we have include a (guideline-abiding) costume contest at Halloween, holiday brunch and gift exchange and killer end-of-block (adjusted) parties! Keep posted to our campaign and speeches for other ideas. Of course, we are most excited to plan the ski trip (where’s the vaccine at?!) and eventually frosh!
We would also like to organize a cohort-wide “5 à 7” style cocktail hour later in the year, to which we would invite our Osler fellows and/or LMFE preceptors to thank them for their efforts and to mingle with them. Who doesn’t love getting all dressed up!?
By now, you must be asking, but why do they think they can handle this? I can personally say that I have been intensely involved in event planning for years now, and have organized events such as prom, loft parties, dances, large-scale brunches and conferences, in addition to the smaller events. I just finished my term as the Vice President of Social Affairs for McGill’s Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Student Association, during which I organized a multitude of diverse events, from laser tag to frosh. Organizing a social-distance respecting frosh was no easy feat, but it turned out to be successful. I do believe that I, along with Charles, have the skill set to make this the most memorable year yet!
The current state of the world has shifted our view from the climate crisis to a pandemic, but we mustn’t forget about the footprint we have on the planet. Charles and I will be looking for ways to be more sustainable should we be elected, whether that be having bins to return cans for consignment or purchasing reusable, personalized drinking cups to limit our disposable waste. We truly believe that these little actions accumulate to go a long way.
Additionally, although we both completed the Med-P program here at McGill, do not let keep you from trusting us with this position. Trust that we want to talk to you and to get to know you. We are one cohort, not two – and we believe that our efforts can bridge any gaps that may exist. Our efforts would undoubtedly benefit all of you.
Finally, we promise to be approachable and easily accessible to each and every one of you. We promise to represent you well at meetings of the general council, and to inquire or elaborate on any concerns that you may have. We are here for you at all times – whether it be socially or representatively.
We are also super open to suggestions and would love to hear what you would have to say! Contact us at any time if you would like to know more, or if you’d like to chat! We are always available via Messenger – en français ou en anglais.
We do hope that you are as confident in our abilities as we are. Charles is one of the sweetest, most giving people I know, and there is no one I would rather do this with. He is approachable, level-headed and diligent, which I think are fantastic traits for such a position. We believe that we would be the dynamic duo that this position needs to have a successful year.
Cheers to an amazing 4 years!
Santina Conte