What is C-STAR?
The CSTAR acronym stands for Clinical Skills Training and Assessment Room. This academic project aims at increasing opportunities for students to acquire and perfect their skills of patient assessment. A CSTAR room is now available in the Meredith annex for students to practice their clinical skills for autonomous study. CSTAR has furthermore designed an academic program inspired in structure by our block-based medical curriculum. One peer-guided workshop for each block will serve as an additional complementary resource for students looking to further their mastery of the techniques of interviewing, examining and applying clinical reasoning when interacting with patients. The goal of these tutored sessions is to review the physical examination manual and then go over some clinical cases. We also hope that medical students involved in this program will find teaching a useful way to review the material and consolidate their own understanding of it. The peer teaching program will also give an opportunity for the different cohorts to meet, work together and reciprocally learn from each other.
Furthermore, the CSTAR team is now currently working on the production of various academic materials in order to facilitate the students’ learning experience. Such projects include a student manual that emphasizes the key skills of the physical examination as well as case files on common and important problems encountered in the clinical setting.