Clinical French Club (CFC)

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About the Club

Our mission is to provide a structured, collaborative environment for medical students to master the essentials of clinical French.

This includes:

  • Taking a patient history
  • Conducting a physical exam and describing findings
  • Explaining the diagnosis and treatment plan
  • Answering a patient’s questions
  • Override language barrier that could alter the establishment of a trusting

    relationship with patient, especially in Quebec hospitals

We welcome French speakers of all levels, from zero to native speakers. We truly encourage our francophone colleagues to play the role of tutors in this 1-on-1 scenario format. Feedback on both French and clinical skills follow each interview so this allows to everyone to share and learn, even for the most fluent French speaker! Everyone plays an important role in it! During each block, we host a Clinical French Lunch with relevant clinical scenarios and good teaching using an interactive platform (powerpoint). We also have a buddy match program which encourage learners and tutors to meet several times throughout the year in a non-formal context. We will also be holding the yearly OSCE simulation!!

Recently, an interactive Facebook page has been created in order to gather a wide range of resources and to make their access easier, simply with a click (simply find Clinical French Club-CFC on FB!). We offer clinical vocabulary for each block, relevant applications that can be used as medical student on the field as well as videos and entertaining resources related to medicine to help the learning of French, for example, a TV show that takes place in an hospital in Montreal.

For any questions and comments, please e-mail us at

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