Club Week Application

This year, Club Day will be held online instead of in-person. It will also last an entire week, spanning from August 29th to September 5th.

Applications will be open until 11:59 PM on Sunday, August 22nd 2021. 

To get an idea of what the website will look like, you can visit this draft site. I also recommend that you check out this sample club page. Every club’s page will follow this template with an introduction video, a small paragraph and contact information for MSS members who have questions about your club. If you would like to customize your club’s page, we can change minor things for you (like colours, fonts, etc.) If you want to make larger modifications, reorganize or add elements, you can be added as an editor to modify your club’s page yourself.

Please fill out each item as completely as possible to avoid needing a re-submission. If you have any questions regarding the form or Club Week in general, please contact Maxime Berthout at

If you wish to write in point form, please do not start a line with “-” and instead use “>”. Using “-” to start a line can cause errors in displaying the responses.


    Similarly to how you would present your club to students during Club Day in person, we ask that you upload a short video to Youtube (try to keep it under 2 minutes). You should speak about your club's mission, the types of events you host throughout the year, positions that will be open for recruitment this year, etc.
    Note that the video will need to be set to Public or Unlisted.

    This is the block of text labelled "Mission statement" on the sample club page (see above). You can change the title and write whatever you want here, it does not need to be your mission statement.

    Please leave e-mail addresses or social media links to places where MSS members can ask questions about your club.

    Please list all minor modifications you would like us to make to your club page on the Club Week website. Minor modifications include changing colours, fonts, etc. If you wish to make more significant changes to your club's page, fill out the next section of this form.

    Would you like to modify your club's page yourself?*
    Please indicate whether or not you want to be given editing access.

    Please leave the e-mail of the person who will be editing your club's page.

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