
Links to candidates’ Facebook platforms can be found below

Emergency  Elections Spring 2021 

Please consult the following documents to learn more information, as a candidate and as a voter!​

Learn about the positions and the MSS

Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Members

MSS 2021-2024 Strategic Plan

MSS Structure & MSS About Us Page

For candidates:

Election and Campaign Guidelines

MSS Election Bylaws

Nomination period

Start : Friday, April 30th 2021, @12:00pm

End : Thursday, May 6th 2021 @12:00pm

**** Meet the Council**** : If you have any questions and/or would like to run for a position at the MSS, please feel free to reach out to any executive or officer of the MSS through this directory. Each one of us will be happy to fill you in on our position and how our mandate has been so far!You will need to fill the form with signatures of peers willing to endorse your candidature. Please forward the completed form in PDF to mssspringelections2021@gmail.com. You may also submit your candidacy directly to mssspringelections2021@gmail.com with the 20 MSS members endorsing you included in CC.

Along with your nomination form, you must also submit

(1) Your platform (no word limit),
(2) A picture of yourself, and
(3) 3 bullet points summarizing your platform.

These will be publicized on the website for all voters to view.

Campaign period

Start : May 7th, 2021 @12:00pm

Speeches : May 11th, 2021 @ 4:15pm (More details online speeches will follow once nominations are sent in)

End : May 12th 2021, @12:00pm

Voting period

Reminder: If you are unable to log in to the simply voting website, you will be unable to vote. If you are having any difficulties logging in, please email Julien Senecal, IT Officer, as soon as possible.

Start : May 12th 2021, @6:00pm

End: May 15th 2021, @6:00pm

​Candidates’ platforms will be available on the website from Sunday September 6th to September 13th.


Voting explained

Students from all cohorts elect the Executive Council position

Each cohort elects their class council members

For a position that has more than 2 candidates, the vote will be single-transferable. This means that you will be able to vote for your top choice, but also for your second choice, third choice, and so-on.

For a role that has two positions (Med-1 Class (Social) Representative), each candidate will be voted in separately.

Osler’s empty chair (non-confidence) vote:

No candidates will be acclaimed in order to have a more democratic process. Even unopposed candidates require a vote of confidence by the MSS student body whereby you can either vote for the sole candidate or for the (figurative) empty chair of Sir William Osler. In the case where the Osler’s empty chair (non-confidence) votes outnumber the votes for the candidate, the candidate will not be elected and the MSS will run by-elections (special elections) to fill the position.

Abstention: Choosing to not vote for a position. Abstentions are not counted at all.


The MSS encourages students with lived experience of discrimination and from underrepresented groups in medicine to apply.


MSS President

Alexander Valerio

Jenny Dimakos

Clerkship representative

Raphaël Lafortune



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