Returning Club Application

The following form are for RETURNING Clubs.

Each Returning Club is required to fill in the application form should they wish to receive funding for Fall 2021 semester.

Applications will be open until 11:59PM on Sunday, August 8th 2021.

Please follow the exact instructions provided for each item, otherwise, your funding request may be denied. If you have any questions regarding the form, please contact Maxime Berthout at

Returning club – Application Form: Returning Club Application Form

Returning club – Budget Template: Returning Club Budget Template

*Please note that the MSS will be providing free Zoom Pro licenses to all clubs, so you will not need to include the price of a Zoom Pro account to your budget. (Also keep in mind that this semester will be mostly online for med-1 and med-2 classes, so you might want to plan your events and budget accordingly.)


    Key in your name as: Full name of club (Acronym) e.g. MSS Boardgames Interest Group (MBIG)
    Make sure your name is in accordance with the MoA:
    If your previous club name does not follow the MoA, you must change it.

    Please enter your official club email if you have one, otherwise enter the email of the key contact person (Club President, VP communications, etc.) Please ensure that this address is checked regularly, as it will be used by any student who wishes to get in contact with your club.

    Please enter if your club identifies as an Interest Group (IG), Outreach Club or Common Interest (CI) Club. Definitions are available in the MSS Internal Regulations.

    Please upload a the completed application form (word document). If you do not complete this file, you will not be eligible for funding. Fill out the application form (linked provided above) and name the file with the full name of the club and the semester, e.g. "MSS Boardgames Interest Group_Winter 2017_Application

    Please upload the list of attendance sheets, all compiled in one single pdf file. If you do not have access to these at the moment, please upload a document containing an approximation for each event (scanned copies can be sent along later).
    Files must be less than 5 MB.
    Allowed file types: pdf .

    Please provide an estimate of the total number of event-attendances your club has had during the Fall semester. Please note that all event-attendances must be documented as they will be verified using the documents you have provided above.
    If you have not hosted any events, simply enter 0.

    If you do not provide the Budget, you will not be eligible for funding. Fill out the Financial Statement/Budget template (linked provided above) and name the file with the full name of the club and the semester, e.g. "MSS Boardgames Interest Group_Winter 2017_Budget.xls"
    Please note that the MSS will be providing free Zoom Pro licenses to all clubs, so you will not need to include the price of a Zoom Pro account to your budget.
    Files must be less than3 MB.
    Allowed file types: xls xlsx.

    Please upload the proofs of your expenses and income, all compiled in one single pdf file.
    Files must be less than 4 MB.
    Allowed file types: pdf .

    Please upload a screenshot from your online banking, or a scanned statement.
    Files must be less than 2 MB.
    Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx .

    Please check out the logo that is currently being used for your club in the Clubs section. If the logo needs to be updated, please upload the file here. Save the logo as a pdf or image file with the full name of the club e.g. "MSS Boardgames Interest Group_logo.pdf"

    This will be especially important for "Club Week" this year, so if your club does not have a logo you should consider making one.

    Files must be less than 2 MB.
    Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png tif pdf.

    Please upload a document with the compiled screenshots of the calendar on your events' weeks. Please remember that if the screenshot for an event is not present, the event will not be considered as completed for funding. Save the document as a pdf file with the full name of the club e.g. "MSS Boardgames Interest Group_calendar.pdf"
    Files must be less than 4 MB.

    Please upload a document with the compiled screenshots of your Murmur submissions for all your events. Please remember that if the Murmur screenshot for an event is not present, the event will not be considered as completed for funding. Save the document as a pdf file with the full name of the club e.g. "MSS Boardgames Interest Group_murmur.pdf"
    Files must be less than 4 MB.

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