Electronic Tutoring and Mentoring for Indigenous Learners

Club week video

About the club

The electronic tutoring and mentoring (eTM) initiative aims to address the geographical and financial barriers limiting access to health-related tutoring and mentoring programs for Indigenous youth by using a virtual platform. We recruit students from various health professional programs at McGill and partner them with Indigenous students interested in pursuing health-related careers. Tutors and mentors working with eTM provide both one-on-one personalized mentorship as well as tutoring support at the high school/CEGEP level. eTM’s goal is to create a sustained and productive relationship between schools, Indigenous communities, and students at McGill in an effort to increase the number of Indigenous students entering health professional programs. If you’re interested in becoming a tutor/mentor, please fill out this form! https://forms.gle/jNW6dwoVF5ireQJGA

Contact information

Internal CoordinatorTaylor Stoesz, class of 2025taylor.stoesz@mail.mcgill.ca
External CoordinatorChloe Pereira-Kelton, class of 2024chloe.pereira-kelton@mail.mcgill.ca