Standing committees

The sections below describe the general functioning of standing committees and are taken from the MSS Internal Regulations.

Unless otherwise specified, committees have the ability to adopt additional rules regarding their functions, so long as such rules do not conflict in letter or in spirit with the dispositions in the Constitution or this Regulation.

All Standing Committees must advertise their recruitment process via the Murmur and on all Class Facebook groups twice, with a reminder no later than two (2) days prior to the application deadline.

All Standing Committees must draft a formal and relatively objective application process, for instance requiring each student to send in a short statement of interest and a CV, or holding interviews. The specifics of the process are at the discretion of each committee.

At least 3 evaluators must carry out the selection of candidates, one of which needs to be a member of the Executive Council.

To ensure a smooth transition into the next academic year, all new members of committees must be formed by mid-June of the ending academic year.

If committees where the Chair(s) is/are not an elected Officer, it is good practice to have a 1 year (renewable) mandate for Chairs and Officers. Although this decision is ultimately up to individual committees (especially newer ones that are still getting established), all committees are strongly encouraged to implement a transparent feedback and quality improvement process. Committees should review the performance of current executives and Chairs who are staying on for the next year(s) and discuss with them, in a supportive and constructive manner, the positive and negative aspects of their work that year.

All Standing Committees must present a report of their yearly activities and strategic aims for the next year to the General Council by the end of the academic year.