Candidates – By Elections Spring 2024

Click on a role to see each candidate. Click on a candidate’s name to see their image, 3 key points and platform.

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To see campus Outaouais speeches: click here

Positions Open to Montreal Campus

3 key points

3 key points

  1. Be the voice of medical students
  2. Promote transparency between the MSS and SSMU
  3. Ensure accountability by actively seeking student input on major decisions


My name is Meriem Hamel, and I am part of the 2027 cohort. I would be honored to be your SSMU Representative this year, and I am dedicated to being a dedicated voice for the students of our program!

As SSMU Representative, I would be committed to serve as your advocate, ensuring that the voices of medical students are heard and considered in all decision-making processes within the SSMU. As a liaison between the SSMU and the MSS, I will make sure to facilitate constructive dialogue and collaboration to address any challenge that might affect our student body. I am committed to promoting transparency by providing regular updates on discussions, decisions, and actions taken on behalf of the MSS. Your trust is important to me, and I will work diligently to ensure that decisions affecting our program are made transparently and with your best interests in mind.

3 key points

  1. Keep you up to date on all the perks we get through the SSMU. For example, did you know that you have free full access to ProWritingAid to assist you in writing your reflections and reports? 
  2. Make sure that funding from the SSMU reflects your needs.
  3. Expand and update your SSMU Dental and Healthcare plan.

Hi fellow Med and Dents! 

My name is Allison and if we haven’t met before, I’m currently a Med-1 at the Montreal Campus and I am running for next year’s SSMU representative 🙂

Why should you vote for me? 

If I am elected as your SSMU rep, I have lots to offer! I have years of experience being part of student councils with a primary role in outreach and liaison, which will translate into maintaining good relations with the SSMU. You can count on me to advocate for your needs within the SSMU council and ensure that you stay informed of your rights. 

As your SSMU rep, what can you expect from me?

My full commitment to making sure SSMU works for you:

  • Keep you up to date on all the perks we get through the SSMU. For example, did you know that you have free full access to ProWritingAid to assist you in writing your reflections and reports? 
  • Make sure that funding from the SSMU reflects your needs.
  • Expand and update your SSMU Dental and Healthcare plan.
  • And much more … 

In short, I am experienced, dependable, organized and thorough. 

If you elect me as your SSMU rep, I promise to always be there for you!

Positions Open to Gatineau Campus

3 key points

  1. Event Planning
  2. Promotion and Communication
  3. Collaboration

Hi there, my name is Yves Roland Ngouadjeu Fouetio, and I am running for the position of MSS VP Social for the Outaouais Campus.

I believe that the role of the VP Social requires the skill of event planning and an inherent desire to see members of the campus engage in various social events. And I strongly believe that I possess the skills and desires for the role. As your next VP Social, my position will be vital in each of the following:

Event Planning: I plan on conceptualizing, planning, and executing various social events, such as a meet and greet at the beginning of the school year and the Outaouais sports competition between each cohort.  

Promotion and Communication: promote social events to students at the Outaouais campus through various channels, such as social media, email newsletters, posters, and word-of-mouth. Effective communication ensures that members are aware of upcoming events and encouraged to participate. 

Collaboration: collaboration with other members of the executive team will be crucial for the success of social events. I will work closely with the President, other Vice Presidents, and committee members to coordinate efforts and ensure events align with the campuses and McGill’s goals and values. 

Finally, I would like to thank you in advance for choosing me as your MSS VP social for the Gatineau Campus. 

3 key points

1. Creating Campus Identity: Develop unique and engaging events tailored to the Outaouais campus, such as Internos-style gatherings, wine and cheese evenings, and collaborative efforts with UOttawa, including block parties in Gatineau, to foster a sense of community and combat feelings of disconnect.

2. Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion: Ensure a diverse range of events that celebrate various cultures and interests, from Ramadan fast-breaking meals to Chinese New Year dinners and collaborations with First Nations communities, along with beloved activities like movie nights and Superbowl screenings, maintaining existing popular events like Halloween parties and ski trips.

3. Increasing Cohort Participation: Implement stronger advertising strategies to promote events in collaboration with class representatives, encouraging interaction and relationship-building among students from different years. Prioritize feedback through polls and surveys to continuously improve and adapt events, leveraging the close-knit campus community to build stronger ties among peers.

Hello everyone! My name is David, and I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for Vice President of Social Affairs with MSS Outaouais.

I’ve observed that many students often feel disconnected from the Outaouais campus, especially when comparing it to the vibrant activities in Montreal. I am committed to changing this perception by working closely with the class representatives to create our own exciting events tailored to our ever-growing campus. Imagine our very own version of Internos, elegant wine and cheese gatherings, or collaborative efforts with UOttawa for joint events that showcase the best of both schools. Imagine our very own block parties in Gatineau, open to all cohorts. As many of us might be living alone for the first time and may be concerned about affording food, I aim to work with more sponsors to finance free lunch conferences while providing opportunities for many to learn more about our future profession.

Diversity is essential for inclusivity, and I am dedicated to ensuring a wide range of events that celebrate different cultures and interests. From hosting Ramadan fast-breaking meals to organizing Chinese New Year dinners and collaborating with First Nations communities, we will offer something for everyone. Additionally, beloved activities like movie popcorn nights, Superbowl screenings, trivia, and charades will keep our social calendar lively and engaging. Rest assured, we will maintain existing well-received activities such as Halloween parties, ski trips, or sugar shack visits.

A growing concern among students is the lack of participation across all four cohorts. I plan to address this by implementing stronger advertising strategies in collaboration with class presidents and representatives for future organized events. These events will be designed to encourage interaction and relationship-building among students from different years. Additionally, I pledge to prioritize feedback from students by conducting polls and surveys to ensure continuous improvement and adaptability to everyone’s needs throughout the academic year. Your input will be invaluable in shaping our social events and creating a vibrant and inclusive community at the Outaouais campus. Our strength lies in the closeness of our campus community. We are a small campus, which means we have the potential to build even stronger ties with our peers, and we need to take advantage of that.

Together, let’s make the upcoming academic year unforgettable with a diverse array of events that bring us closer as a community. Thank you for considering me for Vice President of Social Affairs. Let’s make it happen!

3 points clés