Click on a role to see each candidate. Click on a candidate’s name to see their image, 3 key points, platform, speech, and Facebook event (if applicable).
Speeches are now available below.
Montreal Campus
MD-PhD Representative
Larissa Chiu

3 key points
- Community and continuity are key.
- Strength in numbers.
- Communicate and facilitate conversations between student bodies.
As MD-PhD Representative, my platform focuses on fostering collaboration between the MD-PhD program and the MSS to work together seamlessly. My main role is to serve as a non-voting voice for MD-PhD students, ensuring their needs are represented while keeping our council informed and engaged with updates from the MSS General Council. One main objective I hope to continue advocating for is to ensure smooth transitions for MD-PhD students as they begin and return from their PhD phase, instilling clear support systems to ease these transitions in between the MDCM program. Additionally, I am dedicated to maintaining a sense of continuity and community for MD-PhD students, keeping them connected with their peers throughout their academic journey, even during time away for research. Together, we can build a more cohesive, supportive environment for all medical students.
Med-1 Academic Representative
Princesse Tsamo

3 points essentiels
- Favoriser la réussite académique par des résumés hebdomadaires de cours et
des dates limites importantes - Organiser des activités d’étude en groupe interactif en collaboration avec les VP
social - Créer une plateforme pour régler le problème de longue distance pour LFME
En tant que représentante académique de notre cohorte, Je vais m’assurer que les enregistrements de cours sont toujours téléversés quotidiennement. Je vais m’assurer d’avoir des journaux hebdomadiers avec les dates importantes et je vais veiller à communiquer à la faculté tous les soucis académiques.
Premièrement, Je propose de mettre en place un comité dédié à la création de résumés hebdomadaires des notes de cours, accompagnés de schémas pour faciliter l’apprentissage. J’ai déjà réuni un groupe enthousiaste de personnes qui, étant à jour dans leurs révisions, réalisent d’excellents résumés personnels chaque semaine. Ceux- ci ont manifesté leur volonté de participer. Ces résumés seront enrichis de conseils d’étude pratiques pour optimiser notre préparation aux examens. Afin d’éviter toute redondance avec les résumés des années précédentes présent les fichiers « FMD », nous sélectionnerons les informations pertinentes des documents antérieurs et mettrons l’accent sur les nouvelles précisions apportées par nos professeurs cette année. La création de ce comité permettra également à d’autres personnes de s’impliquer au sein de leur cohorte. Mon engagement à coordonner ce projet et à offrir des outils d’étude de haute qualité permet d’améliorer notre expérience académique et de soutenir la réussite
collective de notre cohorte.
Je m’engage à collaborer étroitement avec les VP social pour organiser des activités d’étude interactives. En mettant en place des sessions de révision en groupe, des sessions quiz et des ateliers de cas cliniques interactifs, nous pourrons rendre l’apprentissage plus dynamique et engageant. Ces activités offriront des occasions idéales pour créer des liens solides entre nous, mieux connaître nos collègues et renforcer notre cohésion de groupe. En intégrant des moments de divertissement dans notre routine académique, nous parviendrons à allier rigueur et convivialité, tout en restant assidus à nos révisions. Mon objectif est de créer un environnement stimulant et collaboratif, propice à la fois à l’apprentissage et à l’épanouissement personnel.
Compte tenu des nombreuses plaintes exprimées par les étudiants concernant la distance à parcourir pour leur LFME, je propose de créer une plateforme innovante qui facilitera la gestion de cette problématique. La plateforme offrira également des options de covoiturage, mettant en relation ceux qui résident à proximité et ceux dont les stages se déroulent au même endroit. Cette solution pratique et collaborative permettra non seulement de réduire les trajets et les coûts associés, mais aussi de renforcer notre esprit de solidarité et de coopération entre collègues.
Med-1 Class President
Alexandre Ton That

3 key points
- Always Proactive: I will always be accessible and ready to address any issues or challenges early, ensuring that concerns are tackled before they escalate.
- Centralized Calendar and Teamwork: I will also collaborate with the class and academic representatives to create a shared Calendar with all important academic deadlines and event dates to keep us organized and on top of our schedules.
- Safe and Inclusive Space: I will work to ensure everyone feels heard and has a voice in our cohort, creating a safe environment where open communication thrives.
Hello everyone!
I’m Alexandre, and it has been a real pleasure to meet you over the past few weeks. It would be an absolute privilege to represent our cohort as Class President during this important first year of medical school.
My main goal is to ensure that we stay united as a cohort, creating an environment where everyone can thrive academically and socially while fully enjoying our time together. My leadership experience has prepared me well for this role, and I believe I can make a meaningful difference for us all.
A bit about me:
- I was Class President of the McGill Dentistry program last year, which makes me very familiar with the FMD faculty and how to navigate important meetings and discussions.
- I was the Head Occupational Therapist of multiple interdisciplinary clinics
- I served as One of the 12 Ambassadors for Concordia University.
My promises are:
✅ Always Proactive: I will always be accessible and ready to address any issues or challenges early, ensuring that concerns are tackled before they escalate.
✅ Creating a Collaborative Environment: I will create with the Class Council a shared Drive folder for academic resources, social event planning, and other important cohort information, so that we can easily share and store key documents.
✅ Centralized Calendar: I will also collaborate with the class and academic representatives to create a shared Calendar with all important academic deadlines and event dates to keep us organized and on top of our schedules.
✅ Safe and Inclusive Space: I will work to ensure everyone feels heard and has a voice in our cohort, creating a safe environment where open communication thrives.
✅ Teamwork and Collaboration: I will foster strong teamwork within the class council and with the entire cohort, ensuring that decisions reflect our collective interests and needs.
✅ Transparent Communication: I will ensure clear and transparent communication between the faculty and students, so that important updates and decisions are always shared with the cohort.
Thank you so much for your time and for considering me for Class President. I hope to have the privilege of representing you and our amazing cohort this year!
Tiffany Habelrih

3 key points
- My previous leadership experience, including organizing fundraisers and founding a student club to support community causes, uniquely positions me to address our classes needs.
- My goals are to create an inclusive environment, promote student-led initiatives, and represent class interests.
- I hope we can collaboratively work on cohort community projects and improve food/beverage options at McIntyre.
Dear Class of 2028,
It would be a privilege to represent you as Med-1 President for the upcoming year. My platform strives to make a positive impact on our class by creating an inclusive environment, promoting student-led initiatives, and most importantly, representing your interests wherever I go.
As an undergraduate and PhD student, I have held many leadership positions and have been a team member on various committees (athletic, academic, and philanthropic). This includes among others, organizing annual fundraisers for the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation and founding a student club, Halo MVMT, at UdeM and McGill to raise funds and awareness for pediatric palliative care.
More specifically, here are key projects I hope we can accomplish together:
- Cohort community projects: I hope to facilitate the involvement of our class in community initiatives that will make an impact on the populations we serve. Whether short-term or long-term commitments based on the projects we decide to work on, it will be an opportunity to foster a sense of camaraderie amongst us while helping others!
- Accessible food and beverage options at McIntyre: I have heard the public outcry of our caffeine-deprived class and the anguish surrounding the long microwave lines. I will advocate for more affordable food and beverage options in the cafeteria and find alternative solutions to get you fed with warm food faster.
If you vote for me, you can expect a results-oriented president that will get the job done with transparency and efficiency. I am a dynamic, hardworking, and social person and I believe that my motivations and experiences would make me an excellent class president.
All in all, I care, I want to have the best medical school experience for all, may it be by advocating for better opportunities, a more enjoyable environment, or cheaper coffee.
Tiffany Habelrih
Med-1 Class Representatives
Sabrina Fitz

3 key points
- Promote opportunities for students to build meaningful connections beyond academic settings, helping to create a supportive and cohesive McGill Med Class of 2028 community.
- Organize fun & engaging events that provide a refreshing break from studying, emphasizing a balanced approach to medical school life that integrates both personal well-being and continued academic success.
- Plan and facilitate a variety of activities and excursions that encourage students to step out of their usual routine, enriching their medical school experience and strengthening class bonds.
Chella and Sab for Class Social Reps 🤠💅🏻🍸
As Class Social Reps, we want to make people’s experience in M1 as fun and memorable as it is hectic and stressful. Our approach this year is to fully embrace all of the opportunities that med school has in store for us, not just academically but also socially. We recognize that this is a time in our lives, and the lives of our peers, to make lifelong friendships and grow together as a cohort, and we plan to do exactly that! Med school isn’t just about learning how to be a doctor, it’s about learning to incorporate our shared passion for medicine and helping others into a holistic lifestyle, and for us that includes having fun and making great friends along the way.
We may just be girls, but we have no shortage of ideas as to how we’re going to accomplish this task. Whether students are looking for an opportunity to tap into their wellness routine, let loose on a night out, try a new hobby, or continue to meet their classmates, our platform truly includes something for everyone.
It’s time to make block parties great again. We propose themed block parties, more brat and less demure than Cathcart. Spaghetti Western for a cowboy theme, Riverside for a beach theme, and so much more. Adding a lil spin to block parties will get people involved and keep ‘em on their toes so we can celebrate the end of each block the right way. If people are still tied to the idea of Cathcart, no problem, but why not bring Cathcart to us? Desautels shouldn’t be the only faculty that’s allowed to party in their basement, so we want to bring their 5à7 to our med cohort.
That being said, being class social reps is more than just planning block parties, but don’t worry, Spicey Pricey and Ditzy Fitzy have thought of it all. We want to make sure everyone feels welcome to participate in our activities, whether you enjoy a nice bevvy or not. A bowling social at Bowling Montreal, which is not just a bowling alley but also a bar, provides a chance for people to mix n mingle with or without drinking. A paint and sip would offer people the chance to tap into their artistic talents in a low-energy setting, perfect for a post-study break. If painting isn’t your vibe but singing is, join us for a karaoke night. If you’re more of a spectator, that’s perfect, Chella’s got some pipes so relax and enjoy the show. We also want to plan weekend outings to get people out of the books and out of the city. Apple picking, pumpkin picking and Cabane à sucre provide the perfect opportunity for our cohort to embrace the culture of la Belle Province, especially for those new to Montreal. If you’re in the mood for an outing without actually traveling, join us for a ghost tour in the Old Port, special appearance from former meddies who walked the plank at their frosh boat party.
After all these outings, we need to remember that we’re med students, which means health is wealth. In collaboration with the wellness committee, we’re going to turn you into your own healers, with spin classes in collaboration with B. Cycle, and pilates classes in collaboration with Enso Yoga. One of our own, Emily Eiley, will be leading us as we sweat it out in a spin class, the perfect opportunity to get active and get to know the cohort. Maybe you prefer letting other people put in the hard work and you prefer watching sports, so we propose a class outing to go see our boy Nassib play football, followed by a pub crawl. And in true Canadian spirit, we plan on having Habs parties to watch games at a bar near campus, which may or may not include a raffle to win tickets to go see a game live.
We’re also collaborators, communicators, and so much more. What better way to tap into these skills than to get to know other faculties? Social events with grad students and the law faculty will help us expand our social reach beyond the cohort. In short- there is no stopping this dynamic duo: Sabrina and Chella for McGill Med Class of 2028 Social Reps!!!!!
Parsa Azizi-Mehr

3 key points
- Student-Centered Event Planning: We’ll organize a wide variety of events, keeping in mind the opinions and preferences of our classmates to ensure everyone has a great time.
- Collaboration & Communication: We’ll work closely with the class council and keep you involved through regular updates, surveys, and feedback forms to ensure your ideas are reflected in the events we plan.
- Celebrating Milestones: From block parties to a class ski trip, sugar shack outings, and a Med 1 play, we’ll celebrate the exciting moments of Med 1 and create new traditions for our class to enjoy.
Hey Class of 2028!
We’re Parsa Azizi-Mehr (Pman Jr.) and Jeremy Naimer (Jerbear), and we’re excited to be running for your Med 1 Class/Social Representatives! We’re passionate about creating a fun, engaging, and collaborative experience for everyone in our class, and we’re eager to organize a wide range of events that will help us unwind, celebrate, and build lasting memories together.
Our vision is simple: to make this year one of the most memorable and rewarding of our med school journey. We believe in the power of community, and by organizing events that reflect the diversity of our class, we’ll ensure everyone has the opportunity to relax, have fun, and celebrate our hard work. We’re also committed to offering a wide variety of events, so that everyone can feel included and enjoy the experiences.
Here’s what we’re planning:
1. Celebrating Milestones and Creating New Traditions
We’re committed to organizing a variety of events that highlight both the exciting and challenging moments of Med 1. Our ideas include:
Block parties to celebrate the end of each block.
A class ski trip where we can hit the slopes and bond outside of the classroom.
Sugar shack events to enjoy the best of Quebec culture together.
A class talent show to showcase the amazing and unique skills of our classmates. Board game nights where we can unwind and connect over friendly competition. Trivia nights to test our knowledge and have some fun together.
Trips to Laval Rockets or Habs games to cheer on our local teams.
Our personal favorite—a Med 1 play where we can let loose and have fun in a creative, collaborative way.
And most importantly… Anything YOU are interested in! We are all ears!
2. Collaboration and Communication:
We understand that great events come from great teamwork, and we’ll collaborate closely with other members of the class council, including the treasurer, to plan fundraising events that will increase our budget and allow us to organize even more incredible experiences. By working together, we can ensure that every event is well-organized and accessible to everyone. At the same time, we want to be the voice of the Class of 2028, and we’re committed to open communication. Through surveys, feedback forms, and direct messages, we’ll gather your ideas to ensure the events we organize reflect what you want. After each general council meeting, we’ll keep you informed with updates, so you always know what’s happening on the social front.
At the end of the day, our goal is simple: to create a fun, supportive, and connected community where everyone feels included and has the chance to unwind and celebrate our journey through Med 1.
Thank you for considering us as your Class/Social Representatives. Feel free to reach out to us anytime with questions, suggestions, or ideas—we’re here for you!
Let’s make this year unforgettable!
Parsa Azizi-Mehr & Jeremy Naimer Med 1 Class/Social Representative Candidates
Jeremy Naimer

3 key points
- Student-Centered Event Planning: We’ll organize a wide variety of events, keeping in mind the opinions and preferences of our classmates to ensure everyone has a great time.
- Collaboration & Communication: We’ll work closely with the class council and keep you involved through regular updates, surveys, and feedback forms to ensure your ideas are reflected in the events we plan.
- Celebrating Milestones: From block parties to a class ski trip, sugar shack outings, and a Med 1 play, we’ll celebrate the exciting moments of Med 1 and create new traditions for our class to enjoy.
Hey Class of 2028!
We’re Parsa Azizi-Mehr (Pman Jr.) and Jeremy Naimer (Jerbear), and we’re excited to be running for your Med 1 Class/Social Representatives! We’re passionate about creating a fun, engaging, and collaborative experience for everyone in our class, and we’re eager to organize a wide range of events that will help us unwind, celebrate, and build lasting memories together.
Our vision is simple: to make this year one of the most memorable and rewarding of our med school journey. We believe in the power of community, and by organizing events that reflect the diversity of our class, we’ll ensure everyone has the opportunity to relax, have fun, and celebrate our hard work. We’re also committed to offering a wide variety of events, so that everyone can feel included and enjoy the experiences.
Here’s what we’re planning:
- Celebrating Milestones and Creating New Traditions
We’re committed to organizing a variety of events that highlight both the exciting and challenging moments of Med 1. Our ideas include:
Block parties to celebrate the end of each block.
A class ski trip where we can hit the slopes and bond outside of the classroom.
Sugar shack events to enjoy the best of Quebec culture together.
A class talent show to showcase the amazing and unique skills of our classmates. Board game nights where we can unwind and connect over friendly competition. Trivia nights to test our knowledge and have some fun together.
Trips to Laval Rockets or Habs games to cheer on our local teams.
Our personal favorite—a Med 1 play where we can let loose and have fun in a creative, collaborative way.
And most importantly… Anything YOU are interested in! We are all ears!
- Collaboration and Communication:
We understand that great events come from great teamwork, and we’ll collaborate closely with other members of the class council, including the treasurer, to plan fundraising events that will increase our budget and allow us to organize even more incredible experiences. By working together, we can ensure that every event is well-organized and accessible to everyone. At the same time, we want to be the voice of the Class of 2028, and we’re committed to open communication. Through surveys, feedback forms, and direct messages, we’ll gather your ideas to ensure the events we organize reflect what you want. After each general council meeting, we’ll keep you informed with updates, so you always know what’s happening on the social front.
At the end of the day, our goal is simple: to create a fun, supportive, and connected community where everyone feels included and has the chance to unwind and celebrate our journey through Med 1.
Thank you for considering us as your Class/Social Representatives. Feel free to reach out to us anytime with questions, suggestions, or ideas—we’re here for you!
Let’s make this year unforgettable!
Parsa Azizi-Mehr & Jeremy Naimer Med 1 Class/Social Representative Candidates
Chella Price

3 key points
- Promote opportunities for students to build meaningful connections beyond academic settings, helping to create a supportive and cohesive McGill Med Class of 2028 community.
- Organize fun & engaging events that provide a refreshing break from studying, emphasizing a balanced approach to medical school life that integrates both personal well-being and continued academic success.
- Plan and facilitate a variety of activities and excursions that encourage students to step out of their usual routine, enriching their medical school experience and strengthening class bonds
Chella and Sab for Class Social Reps 🤠💅🏻🍸
As Class Social Reps, we want to make people’s experience in M1 as fun and memorable as it is hectic and stressful. Our approach this year is to fully embrace all of the opportunities that med school has in store for us, not just academically but also socially. We recognize that this is a time in our lives, and the lives of our peers, to make lifelong friendships and grow together as a cohort, and we plan to do exactly that! Med school isn’t just about learning how to be a doctor, it’s about learning to incorporate our shared passion for medicine and helping others into a holistic lifestyle, and for us that includes having fun and making great friends along the way.
We may just be girls, but we have no shortage of ideas as to how we’re going to accomplish this task. Whether students are looking for an opportunity to tap into their wellness routine, let loose on a night out, try a new hobby, or continue to meet their classmates, our platform truly includes something for everyone.
It’s time to make block parties great again. We propose themed block parties, more brat and less demure than Cathcart. Spaghetti Western for a cowboy theme, Riverside for a beach theme, and so much more. Adding a lil spin to block parties will get people involved and keep ‘em on their toes so we can celebrate the end of each block the right way. If people are still tied to the idea of Cathcart, no problem, but why not bring Cathcart to us? Desautels shouldn’t be the only faculty that’s allowed to party in their basement, so we want to bring their 5à7 to our med cohort.
That being said, being class social reps is more than just planning block parties, but don’t worry, Spicey Pricey and Ditzy Fitzy have thought of it all. We want to make sure everyone feels welcome to participate in our activities, whether you enjoy a nice bevvy or not. A bowling social at Bowling Montreal, which is not just a bowling alley but also a bar, provides a chance for people to mix n mingle with or without drinking. A paint and sip would offer people the chance to tap into their artistic talents in a low-energy setting, perfect for a post-study break. If painting isn’t your vibe but singing is, join us for a karaoke night. If you’re more of a spectator, that’s perfect, Chella’s got some pipes so relax and enjoy the show. We also want to plan weekend outings to get people out of the books and out of the city. Apple picking, pumpkin picking and Cabane à sucre provide the perfect opportunity for our cohort to embrace the culture of la Belle Province, especially for those new to Montreal. If you’re in the mood for an outing without actually traveling, join us for a ghost tour in the Old Port, special appearance from former meddies who walked the plank at their frosh boat party.
After all these outings, we need to remember that we’re med students, which means health is wealth. In collaboration with the wellness committee, we’re going to turn you into your own healers, with spin classes in collaboration with B. Cycle, and pilates classes in collaboration with Enso Yoga. One of our own, Emily Eiley, will be leading us as we sweat it out in a spin class, the perfect opportunity to get active and get to know the cohort. Maybe you prefer letting other people put in the hard work and you prefer watching sports, so we propose a class outing to go see our boy Nassib play football, followed by a pub crawl. And in true Canadian spirit, we plan on having Habs parties to watch games at a bar near campus, which may or may not include a raffle to win tickets to go see a game live.
We’re also collaborators, communicators, and so much more. What better way to tap into these skills than to get to know other faculties? Social events with grad students and the law faculty will help us expand our social reach beyond the cohort. In short- there is no stopping this dynamic duo: Sabrina and Chella for McGill Med Class of 2028 Social Reps!!!!!
Med-1 Treasurer
Akash Sasitharan

3 key points
- Transparency and Inclusivity: I am committed to keeping our class informed about our financial standing through regular updates. I will actively seek your input and feedback to ensure that our collective voice is heard in financial matters. Together, we can make informed decisions that benefit everyone.
- Effective Budget Management: I will work closely with our class representatives, especially the social team, to ensure that our budget is allocated in a way that maximizes value for all students. Whether it’s organizing events or funding initiatives, I will ensure that every dollar is spent wisely.
- Supporting Our Cohort: I understand that Med-1 can be overwhelming, and having opportunities to de-stress and bond as a class is crucial. I will collaborate with our social representatives to organize events that are both enjoyable and affordable, keeping in mind the diverse interests of our cohort.
Hi Everyone!
My name is Aka$h Sasitharan, and I am thrilled to be running for the position of Med-1 Treasurer! I believe that our class deserves a Treasurer who not only understands the importance of financial discipline but also values transparency and inclusivity in decision-making. With a strong background in finance and a deep commitment to our community, I am eager to bring my skills and experience to serve our class effectively.
A little about me: I was born in Ottawa, lived in Toronto and grew up in Montreal. Prior to medical school, I completed a B.Sc. in Pharmacology at McGill University. I’ve always had a passion for budgeting and finances—after all, Kash is in my name!
My background in finance is both extensive and diverse. As the VP Finance for the entire Pharmacology Department for several years, I consistently managed our budget with precision, ensuring that each fiscal year ended with a positive balance sheet. My experience in financial management, budgeting, and accountability has equipped me with the skills necessary to oversee our class finances effectively.
Additionally, I have extensive experience in contacting vendors, negotiating contracts, and securing sponsors. These skills will allow me to secure the best deals and ensure that our funds are used efficiently. My previous fundraising efforts have raised over $10,000 for various causes, including the education of underprivileged students in Sri Lanka, the South Asian Women’s Community Center, and increasing the number of ethnic stem cell donors. These successes demonstrate my ability to manage large-scale projects and deliver tangible results.
I am committed to fostering a financially responsible and inclusive environment within our class. With your support, I am confident that we can achieve our goals and make the most of our time in Med-1.
Thank you for considering me as your next Med-1 Treasurer. VOTE FOR KA$H!!
Samia Cherkaoui

3 key points
- Transparency and Accountability: I’ll ensure regular updates on how our funds are spent with clear, accessible reports so everyone knows where the money is going.
- Support for Student Initiatives: I’ll direct more resources towards student-led projects, particularly in areas like mental health, wellness, and sustainability, with initiatives like a “Green Budget” and a First-Year Legacy Fund.
- Engagement and Financial Skills: I’ll run workshops to help students manage their personal finances and set up a team of Financial Ambassadors to gather feedback on budget priorities.
A Fresh Perspective on Financial Management
Dear fellow medical students,
My name is Samia Cherkaoui, and I am running for the position of Treasurer for the Medical Student Society (MSS). As I embark on this exciting journey into medicine at McGill, I am eager to serve our community by ensuring that your student funds are managed responsibly, transparently, and efficiently.
Why Me?
I bring a unique combination of skills and experience to the role of Treasurer:
Proven Financial Management Experience: In my previous role, I worked closely with a financial security advisor, helping clients resolve issues and ensuring their satisfaction. While I didn’t directly manage client investments, I gained valuable insights into financial management processes. These skills will guide me in handling the MSS funds with care and diligence.
Organizational Precision: In research labs, where I’ve managed complex projects like studying cortical blindness models and neurotoxic effects on rats, I learned to handle tasks with precision and attention to detail. This same focus will be applied to every financial decision made as Treasurer.
Community-Focused Leadership: My volunteer work, whether as a Secretary for Doctors of the World or running the DiversScience platform, has allowed me to engage with diverse communities and understand the importance of clear communication and collaboration. These experiences have shaped my leadership style—one that prioritizes teamwork and inclusivity.
My Vision as Treasurer
If elected, I plan to:
Ensure Transparency: I believe that every member of the MSS should have clear insight into how our funds are being utilized. I will set up regular financial reports and provide open access to budget updates so you can see exactly where the money is going.
Promote Student-Led Initiatives: I will advocate for easier access to funding for student projects and ensure that more resources are directed towards initiatives focusing on mental health, wellness, and diversity in medicine. I want our finances to reflect the values and needs of our student body.
Increase Financial Literacy: Besides managing our budget, I will introduce workshops that teach basic financial skills to students. Understanding how to handle your personal finances is a skill that will serve us throughout our careers in medicine.
Create a “Green Budget” for Sustainable Initiatives: I will allocate a portion of the MSS budget specifically to support sustainable and eco-friendly student initiatives. This can include funding for reusable event supplies, eco-friendly giveaways, or supporting student projects focused on sustainability in medicine.
Class Collaboration Fund: I will establish a Class Collaboration Fund that encourages first-year students to collaborate on academic or social initiatives. This fund can be used for study groups, peer mentoring events, or community service projects. For example, Groups of students can apply for mini-grants (e.g., up to $200) to organize group study sessions, tutoring events, or wellness days to foster teamwork and support each other academically.
First-Year Legacy Fund: I will establish a First-Year Legacy Fund, where a portion of the class budget is invested in a sustainable project that can benefit future cohorts. This could be in the form of a student-led research project, a long-lasting class gift (e.g., medical equipment), or a resource for future classes. The class could decide to fund something permanent that future first-year students can use, leaving a lasting impact on the school
A Treasurer Who Listens
I’m not just here to manage numbers; I’m here to listen to your needs and ensure that the MSS budget reflects what matters most to you. Whether it’s funding events, supporting student research, or enhancing student services, I want to make sure the financial resources we have are working for you. To achieve this, I plan to recruit a small group of First-Year Financial Ambassadors. These students will work closely with me to gather input from their classmates on budget priorities and provide feedback on how funds are being used. In other words, these ambassadors will serve as a bridge between the students and the Treasurer, ensuring that the budget reflects the class’s diverse needs and interests.
Let’s Shape the Future Together
Our time in medical school is about more than just lectures and exams. It’s about building a community where every voice is heard and every initiative has the chance to thrive. As your Treasurer, I will work tirelessly to ensure that we make the most of our resources and create opportunities for all.
Thank you for considering me for this important role. Together, we can build a stronger, more transparent, and more supportive MSS.
Samia Cherkaoui
Candidate for MSS Treasurer
Med-2 Treasurer
Nicholas Zakem

3 key points
- Financial Transparency: I am committed to maintaining transparency in all financial matters. I will provide regular updates and financial reports to foster trust and accountability within the MSS.
- Partnership and Collaboration: I will work closely with other student council members to ensure that our financial strategies align with the goals of our medical school.
- Smart Spending: I will identify opportunities for cost optimization while maintaining quality, ensuring that our funds are used wisely and effectively.
Hey everyone! My name is Nicholas Zakem, and I’m excited to run for the position of Med-2 Treasurer for the 2027 cohort! With a solid foundation in financial management and a deep commitment to our medical education, I aim to ensure our finances effectively support our academic journey and vibrant student life.
Student life is integral to our time at McGill. Whether it’s late-night study sessions or the friendship developed in small groups, these experiences enrich our education in immeasurable ways. As your potential Treasurer, my goal is not only to balance our finances but to ensure that our resources foster a thriving student community and
memorable experiences.
So, why choose me? My background in finance and leadership equips me well for this role. As Treasurer for Université de Montréal’s Rehabilitation Student Society, I’ve gained practical experience in budget planning, effective management, and event coordination. These skills, paired with my dedication to our medical community, make me a strong candidate for this position.
Together, let’s build a financially stable and dynamic environment that supports both our academic goals and enriching student experiences. Thank you for your consideration!
Medicine Senator
Khaled Skaik

3 key points
- Representation: Acting on behalf of medical students and the MSS in the University Senate, its committees, and the Senate Caucus.
- Building for the Future: Foster a strong initial connection between students and faculty, particularly with Principal Deep Saini.
- Advocacy: Address the needs of minority and underrepresented groups on platforms where their concerns have often been neglected.
3 points essentiels
- Représentation: Représenter les étudiants en médecine et la MSS au Sénat de l’Université, dans ses comités et au Caucus du Sénat.
- Construire pour l’avenir: Développer une relation solide entre les étudiants et notre faculté, en particulier avec le Principal Deep Saini.
- Plaidoyer: Défendre les besoins des groupes minoritaires et sous-représentés dans des plateformes où leurs préoccupations ont souvent été ignorées.
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all well!
My name is Khaled, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Medicine Senator this year!
What does a Senator do?
As Medicine Senator, I would be your voice, representing the best interests of medical students, the MSS, and the entire student body at the University Senate and its committees. The McGill Senate is the university’s key decision-making body, comprised of over 100 members including the principal, provosts, deans, professors, staff, and around 10 student representatives. In recent years, student senators have led successful initiatives, such as the implementation of the fall reading week. My goal is to continue this legacy of positive change.
Why am I the right fit for Medicine Senator?
I believe my extensive leadership experience and my strong connections with key Senate figures make me well-prepared to take on this responsibility. Here’s a glimpse of my relevant past roles:
– Elected President of a Student Service at the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU) (2022-2023).
– Held positions as VP Student Affairs, VP Finance, and VP Education at various SSMU clubs (2019-2023).
– Elected VP Academics of a student service at SSMU (2021-2022).
– Member of the Finance Committee at the Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) (2020-2023).
Through these experiences, I have demonstrated my ability to listen, collaborate, and advocate for the needs of students. I am committed to making sure the voices of medical students are heard and acted upon at the University Senate.
My Vision and Initiatives:
In addition to fulfilling my core duties as Senator, I am passionate about advancing key projects, including:
– Fostering a strong relationship between our Faculty and the University’s leadership, specifically with Principal Deep Saini and his office.
– Collaborating with the Deputy Provost of Student Life and Learning, Professor Fabrice Lebeau, to renew the Memorandum of Agreement between McGill University and the Medical Students’ Society (MSS).
– Advocating for minority and underrepresented groups, addressing long-standing concerns that have been overlooked at the university level, and ensuring every student has an equitable experience at McGill.
Why vote for me?
I am deeply committed to the well-being of the McGill community, especially our medical students. With your support, I will work tirelessly to ensure that our voices are not just heard but that meaningful actions are taken. Thank you for considering my candidacy, and I hope to earn your trust and your vote.
Let’s build a stronger future together!
VP Global Health Quebec
Yasmine Elmi

3 key points
- Promote and Share Opportunities: Leveraging my experience and network in global health, I will actively seek out and share opportunities—such as research positions, internships, and conferences—that align with members’ interests and goals.
- Support Global Health Projects: I will provide guidance and mentorship for global health special projects, helping students navigate project development to ensure their work is impactful, equitable, and aligned with current global health priorities.
- Advocate for Equity and Inclusion: I am committed to ensuring that all global health initiatives are rooted in equity, diversity, and inclusion, fostering an environment where every member feels empowered to contribute to meaningful change.
I have a growing background and experience in global health research and public health, and I hope to bring this experience and knowledge to the role of VP Global Health Quebec by 1) Promote and Share Opportunities, 2) Support the Pursuit of Global Health Special Projects, and 3) Advocate for Equity and Inclusion.
My academic journey, which includes completing an MSc in Family Medicine and Global Health and currently pursuing an MDCM-PhD in Epidemiology and Global Health at McGill University, has equipped me with a good understanding of the complexities and nuances of global health issues. Through my involvement in various research projects, publications, and initiatives, I have developed a passion and excitement that directly aligns with the responsibilities of this role. However, I have a lot more to learn as I approach this work with humility and a deep commitment to growth. I am eager to share my passion for global health with you and to inspire others to engage with these critical issues.
What I hope to offer:
As VP Global Health Quebec, I aim to leverage my experience to foster an inclusive and collaborative environment where members can thrive in their global health pursuits. Specifically, I will:
1) Promote and Share Opportunities: I will actively seek and disseminate global health opportunities—such as research positions, internships, conferences, and workshops—that align with the interests and goals of our members. My extensive network and experience in global health research will enable me to connect members with valuable resources and opportunities that can further their academic and professional journeys.
2) Support the Pursuit of Global Health Special Projects: I would be honored to offer guidance for the Society global health special projects when needed. Drawing from my experience in leading systematic reviews and collaborative research initiatives, I will help students navigate the complexities of project development, ensuring that their work is both impactful, equitable and aligned with current global health priorities.
3) Advocate for Equity and Inclusion: I will ensure that all global health initiatives under my oversight are grounded in principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. I want to work to create a space where all members feel empowered to contribute to meaningful change.
Justine Mathieu

3 key points
- Collaboration and allyship: Establishing durable collaborations with universities and organizations to promote inclusive and diverse healthcare initiatives.
- Engagement and sustainability: Increasing the number of opportunities for medical students, with or without a background in global health, to get involved in sustainable and concrete projects.
- Education and advocacy: Enhancing the socio-political literacy of medical students to raise awareness of complex environments and deepen their understanding of how these contexts impact medical practice.
1. Introduction
Dear classmates,
My name is Justine, and I am a second-year medical student at McGill. My long-lasting passion for global health was sparked by my experiences in the rural communities of Ecuador and favelas of Lima, where I had the opportunity to learn from and work alongside local physicians in mobile clinics. During my undergrad, I co-founded a global health initiative that partnered with local and international organizations to optimize accessibility, equity, sustainability and education in care. These four pillars motivated me to apply for the VP Global Health Position, through which I am keen to develop stimulating and socially conscious projects.
2. Mission and Core Values
2.1 Collaboration and allyship
A collaborative approach to leadership is something I believe is key for building strong alliances and creating inclusive global health initiatives. This is why I wish to collaborate with different universities around the world. With each country having its own healthcare system influenced by culture, politics and economy, I believe collaborations would foster diversity in care delivery. By extent, this would encourage innovation to meet the needs of a variety of populations, targeting the strengths of each system. In addition, I would love to form partnerships with other clubs within our faculty and local organizations, with the goal to strengthen collective efforts to raise awareness and promote equitable access to health for all.
2.2 Engagement and sustainability
During my mandate, I am committed to increasing the number of punctual and longitudinal opportunities for students interested in global health. With an inclusive
approach, implementing projects allowing medical students to deepen their passion and actively engage in concrete initiatives is something that matters deeply to me. For people who are curious, but less familiar with global health, I would like to create a space to explore this field in an accessible and engaging way. My objective is to ensure that these opportunities are globally sustainable while cultivating a long-lasting sense of community among students, sharing meaningful and collective goals.
2.3 Education and Advocacy
As medical students and future doctors, our field of work is continually shaped by government policies, waves of immigration, economic challenges, and international conflicts. By improving the socio-political literacy of medical students at McGill, I want to foster global health approaches and forward-thinking solutions to provide optimal treatment, diagnosis, screening and care options in the context of these events. Parallelly, I would like to promote a peaceful open dialogue to raise awareness and shed light on voices that should be heard, which would deepen our understanding of the major challenges currently shaping humanity. I am convinced that amplifying stories will allow us not only to become better healthcare providers, but also better allies in healthcare advocacy, in a culturally safe way.
Janeva Shahi

3 key points
- Launch of “Spotted:McGill Medicine Global Health” inspired by “spottedmcgill” to keep the McGill medicine student body up to date on global health news within the faculty, community, and on an international front.
- Fostering a strong relationship with McGill Global Health Programs to provide students with research, networking, professional development and publication opportunities in a global health domain.
- Integration of more global health perspectives, such as from international guest speakers, into the MDCM curriculum, with equal global health opportunities at both the Montreal and Outaouais campuses.
3 points essentiels
- Lancement de « Spotted:McGill Medicine Global Health » inspiré de « spottedmcgill » pour tenir les étudiants en médecine de McGill au courant des nouvelles en matière de santé mondiale au sein de la faculté, de la communauté et sur le plan international.
- Encourager une relation étroite avec les programmes de santé mondiale de McGill afin d’offrir aux étudiants des opportunités de recherche, de réseautage, de développement professionnel et de publication dans le domaine de la santé mondiale.
- L’intégration de plus de perspectives divers en matière de santé mondiale, notamment par les contributions des invités internationaux, du programme d’études de MDCM, avec des possibilités équivalentes en matière de santé mondiale sur les campus de Montréal et de l’Outaouais.
(French to follow)
Hello everyone! I am Janeva Shahi, a Med-1 student at Campus Outaouais. I’m from Montreal, but am originally from Vancouver, BC! I completed my undergraduate degree in pharmacology at McGill last year, along with a Graduate Certificate in Regenerative Medicine. I’m thrilled to be running for VP Global Health Quebec for the MSS this year! Despite being new to the MDCM program, I have some diverse experiences that will provide me with a solid foundation for success in this position.
To begin, I am prepared to liaise between the MSS and the Faculty of Medicine on global and public health matters. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I held various roles as part of McGill’s Pharmacology Integrative League of Students (PILS). I was U2 Class Representative (Second Year in the Pharmacology & Therapeutics Major Concentration) during the 2022/2023 school year, and VP Academic this past year, 2023-2024. In both roles, I worked closely with the department faculty to promote student success and wellbeing. With this in mind, as VP Global Health Quebec, I plan to maintain an open line of communication between students and faculty for global health dialogue while supporting and advocating for global health integration into the MDCM curriculum, such as international guest speakers, with transparency between opportunities at both campuses. As past PILS VP Academic, I chaired the Department of Pharmacology’s student-run academic committee and, therefore, I feel confidently equipped to co-chair the MSS Global Health Committee, where I plan to facilitate open and equitable discussion among peers.
Since 2022, I have been the Continuing Education and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Coordinator for McGill’s Intensive Care Unit Bridge Program (ICUBP), which provides ICU volunteering and shadowing opportunities to university students at Montreal General Hospital, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal Children’s Hospital, and the Jewish General Hospital. I am in the final stages of publishing an article with hopes of sharing my refinement of the development of an EDI resource in the University of Ottawa Journal of Medicine, titled: Open-sourced equity survey to assess organizational diversity and inclusion, in collaboration with some past members of McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Office for Social Accountability and Community Engagement (SACE). As VP Global Health Quebec, I will collaborate with SACE to ensure equitable practice in all matters concerning McGill medical student matters in global health.
With experience in a social and outreach role, I have gained a toolkit of strategies to promote global health, population health, and social medicine affairs efficiently and effectively within the McGill medical student body. Using my social media and graphic design skills, I am prepared to reach students and spark collective interest in global health through various means of communication. One idea I have is to launch an Instagram page called “Spotted: McGill Medicine Global Health” inspired by “spottedmcgill” to keep the student body up to date on global health news within the faculty, community, and on an international front. All members of the faculty, notably students and faculty, would have the opportunity to contribute to the page by submitting a Google form found in The Murmur, the weekly MSS newsletter.
My interest in global health has posed many learning opportunities throughout my education, some of which I’d like to share with you briefly. In high school, with a will to give back to my ancestral community while driving my curiosity about biomedical academia, I spent some time in India, where I gained insight into social determinants of healthcare in developing countries while also gaining a first hand perspective on academia locally at Christian Medical College & Hospital Ludhiana (CMCL). In December 2020, I published an “In the Field” article in the McGill University Perspectives on Global Health Blog, Socio-Economic Aspect of Medicine: Experience at Christian Medical College in Ludhiana, Punjab, India; additionally, I presented a poster version of my article at the McGill University Global Health Night this past November. In 2023, I was awarded the Schull Yang International Experience Award from the Faculty of Science at McGill University to conduct research internationally. I travelled back to CMCL and conducted a project in the Department of Clinical Haematology, Haemato-oncology & Bone Marrow (Stem Cell) Transplantation, titled: Social Inquiry, Pharmacological Survey and Disease Development & Prognosis of Hematological Diseases in Punjab, India. I worked on many studies in various branches of medicine in hematology during my time in the department, such as drug interactions between chemotherapeutic and non-chemotherapeutics drugs or supplements often co prescribed to malignant patients to reduce side effects or treat co-morbidities, medical geography by mapping the regional landscape of diseases across India, and disease pathology by investigating the spectrum of hematological diseases.
As VP Global Health Quebec, I would strive to continue building a solid working relationship with McGill Global Health Programs to provide students with various opportunities; to seek international research through the Global Health Scholars Program and the McGill International Experience Awards, participate in events and networking opportunities such as the McGill Global Health Night, pursue professional development with the Interprofessional Global Health Course, and publish global health research and passion projects in the McGill Global Health Blog and the McGill Journal of Global Health. To expand McGill’s Global Health Night, I would like to work closely with McGill Global Health Programs to facilitate outreach to physicians, researchers, and global health experts worldwide to participate in the event via Zoom. Our internationally-based guest list would be shared with attendees before the event, and the MSS Global Health Committee would hold a question and answer period following the event to serve as an educational and networking opportunity for students.
I plan to apply the global lenses and perspectives I gained through my local and international experiences to shape myself as a medical student and contribute my unique ideas to the MSS and the entire student body as VP Global Health Quebec. Throughout the campaigning period, I hope to foster constructive and actionable conversations to better connect with the entire student body and build on the ideas I’ve presented in this statement.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns (or if you’d like to say hello ☺)
I hope to serve as your MSS VP Global Health Quebec!
Thank you for your time.
Janeva Shahi
Bonjour à tous! Je me présente, Janeva Shahi, étudiante en médecine au Campus Outaouais. Je viens de Montréal, mais je suis originaire de Vancouver! J’ai obtenu mon diplôme de premier cycle en pharmacologie à McGill l’année passée, ainsi qu’un certificat d’études supérieures en médecine régénérative. Je suis ravie de présenter ma candidature pour le poste de vice-présidente (VP) de la Santé Mondiale Québec (VP Global Health Quebec) de MSS pour le mandat 2024/2025! Bien que je sois nouvelle dans le programme MDCM, j’ai des expériences diverses qui me donneront une base solide pour réussir d’entreprendre ce poste.
Tout d’abord, je suis prête à assurer la liaison entre le MSS et la Faculté de médecine sur les questions de santé publique et mondiale. Tout au long de mes études de premier cycle, j’ai occupé divers rôles au sein du Pharmacology Integrative League of Students (PILS) de McGill. J’ai été représentante de classe U2 (deuxième année dans la concentration majeure en pharmacologie et thérapeutique) pendant l’année scolaire 2022/2023, et vice-présidente académique l’année passée. Dans ces deux rôles, j’ai travaillé en étroite collaboration avec le corps professoral du département afin de promouvoir la réussite et le bien être des étudiants. Dans cette optique, en tant que VP Santé mondial Québec, j’ai l’intention de maintenir une ligne de communication ouverte entre les étudiants et la faculté pour le dialogue sur la santé mondiale tout en soutenant et en défendant l’intégration de la santé mondiale dans le programme d’études du MDCM. À titre d’exemple, j’aimerais inviter des conférenciers internationaux, tout en assurant une transparence entre les opportunités sur les deux campus. En tant qu’ancienne VP académique de PILS, j’ai présidé le comité académique du département de pharmacologie et, par conséquent, je suis confiante d’être bien équipée afin de coprésider sur le comité de santé mondiale du MSS, où je prévois faciliter une discussion ouverte et équitable entre les pairs.
Depuis 2022, je suis coordonnatrice de la formation continue et de l’équité, de la diversité et de l’inclusion (ÉDI) pour le programme de transition de l’unité de soins intensifs de McGill (ICUBP), qui offre des possibilités de bénévolat et d’observation en soins intensifs aux étudiants universitaires de l’Hôpital général de Montréal, de l’Hôpital Royal Victoria, de l’Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants et de l’Hôpital général juif. J’en suis aux dernières étapes de la publication d’un article dans l’espoir de partager mon raffinement d’une ressource EDI dans le Journal de médecine de l’Université d’Ottawa, intitulé : « Open sourced equity survey to assess organizational diversity and inclusion », en collaboration avec des anciens membres du Bureau de la responsabilité sociale et de l’engagement communautaire (SACE) de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l’Université McGill. En tant que VP Santé Mondiale Québec, je collaborerai avec le SACE pour assurer une pratique équitable dans toutes les questions concernant les étudiants en médecine de McGill dans le domaine de la santé mondiale.
Grâce à mon expérience dans un rôle social et de sensibilisation, j’ai acquis une boîte à outils de stratégies pour promouvoir la santé mondiale, la santé de la population et les affaires de médecine sociale de manière efficace au sein du corps étudiant en médecine de McGill. Grâce à mes compétences en médias sociaux et en graphisme, je suis prête à rejoindre les étudiants et à susciter un intérêt collectif pour la santé mondiale par le biais de divers moyens de communication. J’ai notamment l’idée de lancer une page Instagram intitulée « Spotted : McGill Medicine Global Health », inspirée de « spottedmcgill », afin de tenir le corps étudiant au courant des nouvelles en matière de santé mondiale au niveau communautaire et à l’échelle internationale. Tous les membres de la faculté, notamment les étudiants et les professeurs, auraient la possibilité de contribuer à la page en soumettant un formulaire qui se trouverai dans The Murmur, le bulletin hebdomadaire de MSS.
Mon intérêt pour la santé mondiale a ouvert mes horizons vers de nombreuses opportunités d’apprentissage tout au long de ma scolarité, dont certaines que j’aimerais partager brièvement avec vous. Pendant l’école secondaire, désireuse de rendre service à la communauté de mes ancêtres tout en nourrissant ma curiosité pour le monde scolaire biomédical, j’ai passé quelques semaines en Inde, où j’ai approfondi mes connaissances sur les déterminants sociaux des soins de santé dans les pays en développement tout en acquérant une perspective sur le monde universitaire local, au Christian Medical College & Hospital Ludhiana (CMCL). En décembre 2020, j’ai publié un article sur le terrain dans le blog Perspectives on Global Health de l’Université McGill, intitulé « Socio-Economic Aspect of Medicine : Experience at Christian Medical College in Ludhiana, Punjab, India »; en outre, j’ai présenté une version affichée de mon article lors de la Nuit de la santé mondiale de l’Université McGill en novembre dernier. En 2023, la Faculté des sciences de l’Université McGill m’a décerné la bourse d’expérience internationale Schull Yang afin que je puisse mener des recherches à l’étranger. Je suis retournée au CMCL où j’ai mené un projet dans le département d’hématologie clinique, d’hémato-oncologie et de transplantation de moelle osseuse (cellules souches), intitulé: « Social Inquiry, Pharmacological Survey and Disease Development & Prognosis of Hematological Diseases in Punjab, India. » J’ai travaillé sur de nombreuses études dans diverses branches de la médecine en hématologie pendant mon séjour au département, telles que les interactions médicamenteuses entre les médicaments chimiothérapeutiques et non chimiothérapeutiques, ou les suppléments souvent coprescrits aux patients malins pour réduire les effets secondaires ou traiter les comorbidités, la géographie médicale en cartographiant le paysage régional des maladies à travers l’Inde, et la pathologie de la maladie en étudiant le spectre des maladies hématologiques.
En tant que VP Santé Mondiale Québec, je m’assurerai de poursuivre l’établissement d’une solide relation de travail avec les Programmes de santé mondiale de McGill afin d’offrir aux étudiants diverses possibilités : faire de la recherche internationale en collaboration du Programme des boursiers en santé mondiale et des Prix de l’expérience internationale de McGill, en participant à des événements et à des occasions de réseautage comme la Soirée de la santé mondiale de McGill, en poursuivant le développement professionnel avec le Cours interprofessionnel en santé mondiale, et en publiant des recherches en santé mondiale et des projets de passion dans le Blogue de la santé mondiale de McGill et le Journal de la santé mondiale de McGill. Pour développer la Nuit de la santé mondiale, j’aimerais travailler en étroite collaboration avec les Programmes de santé mondiale de McGill afin de faciliter la communication avec les médecins, les chercheurs et les experts en santé mondiale du monde entier pour qu’ils participent à l’événement Zoom. Notre liste d’invités internationaux serait communiquée aux participants avant l’événement, et le comité de santé mondiale de la MSS organiserait une période de questions et réponses après l’événement pour servir d’occasion d’éducation et de réseautage pour les étudiants.
J’ai l’intention d’appliquer les perspectives mondiales que j’ai acquises grâce à mes expériences locales et internationales pour me façonner en tant qu’étudiante en médecine et apporter mes idées uniques à la MSS et à l’ensemble des étudiants en tant que VP Santé Mondiale Québec. Tout au long de la période de campagne, j’espère faciliter des conversations constructives et réalistes afin de mieux communiquer avec l’ensemble du corps étudiant et d’appuyer les idées que j’ai présentées dans cette candidature.
N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions, des commentaires, des suggestions (ou si vous souhaitez me saluer ☺).
J’espère sincèrement pouvoir vous servir en tant que VP Santé Mondiale Québec de MSS!! Je vous remercie pour votre temps et votre soutien.
Janeva Shahi
Outaouais Campus
Med-1 Academic Representative
Sarah Oulousian

3 Key Points
- Enhancing communication
- Advocating for student needs
- Ensuring academic resources are accessible and up-to-date
Salut tout le monde!! I am running for OUTA VP ACAD alongside Jennifer (running for president)!! Avoir été élue au cégep en tant que conseillère pédagogique, j’ai beaucoup d’expérience à traiter les préoccupations du corps étudiant auprès du conseil d’administration, du personnel administratif et des enseignants. J’ai également été médiatrice et représentante des étudiants dans les cas de plagiat/fraude et de plaintes académiques sur le comité de recours tout en siégeant sur la Commission des études pour proposer et voter sur des modifications dans le programme pédagogique en faisant pression sur l’administration et les coordonnateurs de département. Having been part of many committees throughout my academic journey, I’ve worked hand in hand with many organisations and individuals. Je suis une personne responsable, attentionnée, créative et très méticuleuse. Je suis motivée et remplie d’idée pour le mandat 2024-2025. I know that this year will be filled with academic challenges and will require a great deal of organization and dedication et mon mandat d’action se divise en 3 piliers:
Enhancing communication: développer une relation solide et un lien de confiance avec les membres de l’administration en les rencontrant en personne et en correspondant étroitement par courriel ; établir des connexions avec les leaders de bloc avant le début de chaque bloc et assurer une communication étroite pendant le bloc pour répondre à toutes les questions ou préoccupations.
Advocating for student needs: aborder les problèmes liés aux PowerPoints non reçus à temps et aux enseignants qui dépassent leur temps de cours pour veiller à ce que les horaires des étudiants soient respectés ; contacter les enseignants pour obtenir des questions d’examen pratiques ; recueillir toutes vos préoccupations en personne pendant les midis ou les pauses, et les transmettre anonymement à notre leader de bloc et à l’administration.
Ensuring academic resources are accessible and up-to-date: maintain a detailed weekly agenda to keep track of important deadlines, exam dates, club event information, etc to keep all of you informed (will be sent on the weekend); many unclear informations about different procedures and classes structures (i.e:absence policy, MyCourses, Info-MDCM, the numerous files and formulaires, etc.) which will be mediated by investing time in communicating with all of you, especially administrators and the upper years continuously to clarify any uncertainties.
Your concerns are my concerns, and we are a team. I am here to make sure that we all work together, because together we are stronger. Je veux être votre CHOIX et votre VOIX!!
Anna Frantzeskos

3 Key Points
- Clear and efficient communication
- Safe space for all
- Keep everyone fed!
Hi everyone,
My name is Anna Frantzeskos and I am running for VP Academics to represent our academic needs. We have all worked extremely hard to get to where we are today and I want to represent this McGill cohort to the best of my abilities.
As VP academics, I will establish clear and efficient communication with our management and direction team to allow for us all to thrive academically, professionally, and personally. My goal is to ensure that all voices are heard and create a safe space for open dialogue within our cohort. I plan to accomplish this by creating detailed and concise notes on meetings with faculty relevant to academics and disseminate them in a timely manner. I will also create anonymous surveys that students can fill out and submit anytime they have concerns regarding academics.
Prior to entering medical school, I worked as a Dietitian. I mention this because, as we all know, everyone needs to eat. With the demanding schedules and heavy workloads we face, it’s easy to overlook something as fundamental as meals. To address this, I propose organizing a mini potluck at least once per session. These events will provide us with an opportunity to enjoy breakfast or lunch together, strengthening the bond within our McGill Outaouais cohort. This also allows us to take a moment to relax and connect over multicultural meals.
Med-1 Class President
Rebecca Falutz

3 points essentiels
- Défenseur: Pour notre classe afin d’assurer le bon déroulement de l’année
- Collaborer : Avec vous et avec les autres années.
- Faciliter : La communication au sein de la faculté.
3 key points
- Advocate: For our class to ensure a smooth year
- Collaborate: With you and with the other years.
- Facilitate: Communication within the faculty.
Qui suis-je? Bonjour, je m’appelle Rebecca Falutz et je suis une étudiante Med-1 de Montréal. J’ai obtenu mon diplôme de premier cycle à McGill en anatomie et biologie cellulaire et ma maîtrise à l’Université de Montréal en santé publique. J’ai vraiment appris du micro au macro en ce qui concerne mes diplômes et j’ai l’intention de m’attaquer aux causes profondes des problèmes en tant que présidente de classe! Comme beaucoup d’entre nous, j’en suis sûre, le rêve de toute une vie est de devenir médecin, et je n’ai pas encore réalisé qu’il s’agit d’une réalité! Je suis très enthousiaste au campus de Gatineau, car la communauté est une chose à laquelle j’attache beaucoup d’importance, et je peux déjà dire que nous allons former une classe très unie. De plus, j’ai beaucoup d’intérêts en dehors des études ! Je suis une personne très active et je cherche toujours à essayer de nouveaux sports et de nouvelles activités. Jusqu’à présent, mon sport préféré est le spinning, mais je suis très intéressée par les équipes intra-muros de l’école, comme le volley-ball, et j’envisage de prendre des cours de gymnastique pour adultes à Ottawa. J’adore le plein air, alors j’ai hâte de voir ce que le parc de la Gatineau a à offrir, surtout à l’automne avec ses magnifiques paysages. J’adore cuisiner et j’essaierai toutes sortes de recettes, alors j’espère organiser des repas-partage amusants chez moi cette année. Je suis également une grande lectrice, surtout dans le genre fantastique, alors si vous avez des recommandations, je les ajouterai volontiers à ma liste qui ne cesse de s’allonger ! Un autre de mes rêves de toujours est d’apprendre à jouer du piano, alors j’espère m’y atteler cette année. Si quelqu’un a des conseils pour les débutants, je suis tout ouïe! J’espère qu’il est clair que j’aime un large éventail de choses et que j’aime essayer tout ce qui est nouveau. J’ai l’intention d’utiliser ce sens de l’aventure pour aider à planifier des choses nouvelles et excitantes pour notre classe cette année. |
Mon expérience Pendant mon séjour à McGill, j’ai siégé au conseil étudiant de mon programme pendant les trois années! J’ai été représentante de l’U1, vice-présidente aux communications et vice-présidente aux finances. Je crois que ces expériences m’aideront à être la meilleure présidente de classe possible pour la classe Med-1 cette année. En tant que représentante de l’U1, j’ai assuré la liaison entre la classe U1, le conseil étudiant et l’administration, tout comme je le ferai en tant que présidente de classe. Je suis une personne très orientée vers la communauté, donc ce poste m’a vraiment permis de créer une communauté aussi accueillante et encourageante que possible pour la classe entrante, et j’espère faire la même chose cette année ! En tant que vice-présidente de la communication, j’ai veillé à ce que tous les étudiants du département soient informés des événements, des échéances et des informations importantes. J’étais également en charge de la commande de marchandises du département, ce que j’aimerais bien coordonner pour la classe Med-1 car cela peut prendre beaucoup de temps et être ardu. Enfin, en tant que vice-présidente des finances, j’ai géré le budget annuel destiné aux activités, aux événements et aux bourses d’études pour les étudiants. La gestion du budget sera une partie importante de mon rôle en tant que présidente de classe, donc je sais que j’ai les capacités de maximiser nos fonds pour assurer que nous avons les meilleurs événements possibles ! Plus récemment, j’ai été co-responsable des opérations d’un magazine étudiant sur la santé mentale appelé Project Wellness. Dans ce rôle de responsable, mon travail consistait à planifier un contenu créatif, la conception et des stratégies de déploiement afin d’optimiser l’impact du magazine. Je pense que ma créativité est l’un de mes plus grands atouts et j’ai l’intention de l’utiliser pour trouver et mettre en œuvre de bonnes idées pour notre classe. J’ai pour objectif d’utiliser ces expériences importantes pour être le meilleur président de classe possible pour vous. C’est une nouvelle expérience pour nous tous et elle peut être intimidante, alors j’espère être le leader et le défenseur dont vous avez besoin pour que tout se passe le mieux possible. |
Mes objectifs • Défenseur: Nous savons tous que les études de médecine seront difficiles, mais nous avons parfois l’impression que le système travaille contre nous. Il est facile de supporter ces frustrations, mais elles se répètent et s’enveniment jusqu’à ce que ce soit trop. Je veux être votre voix avant d’en arriver là. Si vous souhaitez que l’on s’occupe d’un problème, j’ai l’intention de le faire. Qu’il s’agisse d’un petit problème, comme le fait de ne pas avoir les bons PowerPoint le jour de la conférence, ou d’un problème plus important, comme le fait de ne pas pouvoir contacter son précepteur, je veux défendre nos besoins pour que cette année se passe le mieux possible! • Collaborez: Le travail d’équipe est la clé du succès ! Je veux collaborer à la fois au sein de notre classe et avec les autres années pour m’assurer que nous avons la meilleure année possible. Si vous avez des idées, je veux les entendre et les concrétiser. Nous savons tous à quel point l’expérience vécue peut être précieuse, c’est pourquoi je veux collaborer avec les étudiants des années supérieures pour obtenir leurs conseils et astuces afin de nous aider à faire la transition et à exceller ! Je veux vraiment que nous nous sentions comme une grande famille, car je pense que c’est l’un des plus grands avantages que le campus de Gatineau a à offrir. • Faciliter: Une grande partie de mon travail consistera à communiquer avec le doyen et l’administration. Je veux faciliter cette communication afin que toutes nos idées et nos préoccupations soient entendues et prises en compte de manière adéquate. Je veux que nous puissions nous exprimer et bénéficier du soutien dont nous avons besoin au cours de cette première année et au-delà. Je veux travailler de manière efficace et efficiente avec ces entités dirigeantes afin de garantir notre réussite et nos objectifs. Je compte y parvenir en renforçant les liens avec le président de la MSS et l’administration, en veillant à ce qu’ils restent accessibles à nous et à nos préoccupations et en encourageant la transparence au sein de la faculté. |
J’espère être un président de classe qui fait passer vos intérêts en premier et dont vous pouvez être fiers ! |
Période de campagne : Du 11 au 15 septembre – N’hésitez pas à me poser des questions!
Élections : Du 16 au 20 septembre – Votez !
Who am I Hi! My name is Rebecca Falutz and I’m a Med-1 student originally from Montreal. I completed my undergraduate degree at McGill in Anatomy and Cell Biology and my master’s degree from l’Université de Montréal in Public Health. I’ve really learnt from micro to macro when it comes to my degrees and addressing root cause issues is something I plan to do as class president! As I’m sure many of us can relate, becoming a doctor has been a lifelong dream and it still hasn’t fully hit me that this is a reality! I am so excited to be at the Gatineau campus because community is something I really value, and I can already tell that we are going to be a tight-knit class. Additionally, I have many interests outside of academics! I am a very active person and am always looking to try new sports and activities. So far, my favorite has been spinning but I am super excited to try some of the intramural teams at school, such as volleyball and I am looking into taking adult gymnastics classes in Ottawa. I love the outdoors, so I am so excited to see what parc Gatineau has to offer, especially during the fall with the beautiful scenery. I love to cook and will try any and all recipes, so I hope to host some fun potlucks at my place this year. I am also a huge bookworm, especially in the fantasy genre so if you have any recommendations, I will gladly add it to my ever-growing TBR! Another lifelong dream of mine has been learning to play the piano so I hope to actually commit to it this year. If anyone has any tips for beginners, I’m all ears! Hopefully it is clear that I like a broad range of things, and I love to try anything new. I plan to use this sense of adventure to help plan new and exciting things for our class this year. |
My experience During my time at McGill, I served on my program’s student council for all three years! I was U1 representative, VP communications and VP finance. I believe these experiences will help me be the best class president I can be for the Med-1 class this year. In my role as U1 rep, I acted as the primary liaison between the U1 class, the student council and the administration, much like I will be doing as the class president. I am a very community-oriented person so this position really allowed me to create as welcoming and encouraging a community as I could for the incoming class, and I hope to do the same this year! As VP communications I made sure all the students in the department stayed up to date with all events, deadlines and important information. I also was in charge of the department’s merchandise order, which is something I would love to coordinate for the Med-1 class since it can be time-consuming and arduous. I have it down to a science now with all my excel sheets! Finally, as VP Finance I managed the yearly budget which went towards activities, events and scholarships for the students. Managing the budget will be a major part of my role as class president so I know I have the capabilities to maximize our funds to ensure we have the best events possible! More recently, I served as the co-head of operations for a student-run mental health magazine called Project Wellness. In this leadership role my job was to plan creative content, design, and deployment strategies to optimize the magazine’s impact. I think that my creativity is one of my biggest assets and I plan to use that to come up with and implement some great ideas for our class. I plan to use these important experiences to be the best possible class president I can be for you. This is a new experience for all of us and it can be daunting, so I hope to be the leader and advocate you need to help it go as smoothly as possible. |
My goals • Advocate: We all came into this knowing medical school is going to be tough but sometimes it feels like the system is working against us. It’s easy to just put up with these frustrations but then they keep coming and start festering until it’s just too much. I want to be your voice before it gets to that point. If there’s an issue you want addressed, I plan to do it. Whether it’s something small like not having the correct PowerPoints on the day of the lecture or something major like not being able to get in touch with your preceptor I want to advocate for our needs to ensure this year goes as well as it possibly can! • Collaborate: Teamwork makes the dreamwork! I want to collaborate both within our class and with the other years to make sure we have the best year possible. If you have ideas, I want to hear them and bring them to fruition. We all know how valuable lived experience can be, so I want to collaborate with upper years to get their insider tips and tricks to help us make this transition and excel! I really want us to feel like one big family since I think that is one of the biggest advantages that the Gatineau campus has to offer. • Facilitate: A big part of my job will be to communicate with the dean and the administration. I want to facilitate this communication so that all of our thoughts and concerns are adequately heard and addressed. I want us to be able to speak up and have the support we need during this first year, and beyond. I want to work effectively and efficiently with these governing bodies to ensure our success and goals are attained. I plan to do this by strengthening ties with the MSS president and the administration; by ensuring they remain accessible to us and our concerns as well as encouraging transparency within the faculty. |
I hope to be a class president that puts your best interest first and that you can be proud of! |
Campaigning period: September 11th to 15th – Please ask me about my platform!
Elections: September 16th to 20th – Vote!
Jennifer Muana

3 key points
- Ensuring that Gatineau students receive the same respect, resources, and ATTENTION as the Montreal students
- Open Door Policy and Accessible Partnership
- Resource Champion and Community Building
Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer Muana, and I honestly just feel blessed to have this opportunity of being a candidate for Med-1 President at McGill University Campus Outaouais. I am running alongside my peer, Sarah Oulousian, who is running for VP Academics. To be quite transparent, every single day feels surreal to me, and I am so grateful to be amongst such diverse, intelligent, driven and extraordinary people on a daily basis.
Why should you vote for me?
In order to understand why I should be elected, you need to know a little bit about my background. For one, I was raised in a big family, with four older brothers and a widowed mother who struggled to keep us afloat. I involved myself in several different activities, such as being the captain of a competitive university soccer team in the United States, working as a librarian for the french school board and volunteering as a clinical coordinator at an underserved clinic in Detroit. In all of these positions, I was required to not only listen thoroughly to my surroundings, but make executive decisions to assist my colleagues and teammates, while still ensuring that all their ideas and complaints were respected and considered. Furthermore, I have several hands-on experience serving the community, such as being the vice president of the Congolese Community of Windsor, in which we planned social events for underserved immigrant families. I also volunteered to assist a young eight-year-old girl whom our university team sponsored throughout her journey battling cancer. Despite all these experiences that honed my leadership qualities, you should vote for me because my platform is all about EMPATHY. As a result of my upbringing, I’ve learned that you may never know about the battle wounds another person carries or faces outside of their professional settings, but our campus should be a place where everyone feels welcomed, comfortable, and at home. As such, if elected, my priority will be to dedicate my time in making sure every single one of my peers feels AT HOME on our campus.
As Med-1 President, what can you expect from me?
Ensuring that Gatineau students receive the same respect, resources and ATTENTION as the Montreal students Unfortunately, ever since the first day of orientation, although it was promised that both Montreal and Outaouais campuses were a unity, several discrepancies have made me question the legitimacy of that statement. It is sad to say, but I have noticed some favoritism toward the Montreal campus, which I believe should not be the case. For example, Montreal students had their presentations uploaded prior to lectures, but oftentimes, Gatineau campus did not have the PowerPoints posted. As a consequence, not only were we unable to review the upcoming material before lecturers, but we only received the slides after the lecture was completed; that should not be acceptable. Secondly, a few lecturers are unable to be present at campus Outaouais since they are lecturing in Montreal; hence, we have Zoom calls that experience persistent delays, disconnections throughout the session, and technological complications. That difference could potentially be a limiting factor to a student’s comprehension. Again, that should not be acceptable. These are only a few instances from the abundance that I’ve witnessed in just three weeks! Therefore, as president, I plan to frequently communicate with the Med-1 President of Montreal students to ensure that both campuses receive equal treatment. Not only will I endlessly voice any circumstances of inequity between both campuses, no matter how small, but I also intend to continuously advocate for my class’s rights as medical students of McGill by sharing thorough complaints and feedback from my peers to the administration. If I have to repeat myself to get some change and resolutions, then those are the means it will take to ensure that our voices are not only heard but taken into consideration to influence future policies. |
Open Door Policy and Accessible Partnership As mentioned earlier, complaints and feedback must be shared with the administration to drive any form of change and continuous improvement to our environment for this year. If I am President, I will ensure a positive and collaborative channel to allow everyone to vocalize any concerns regarding their environment. I intend to have students provide their concerns through their preferred means of communication, whether it be live and virtual meetings, private conversations or messages, live polls, open forums, surveys, or online interactive Q&As. Regardless of the means, to guarantee effective transmission, I believe every person should be able to communicate in the way they feel most comfortable, without feeling pressured or silenced. However, I’m not only looking for concerns but also collaborative problem-solving ideas to present to the administration. We are going through this journey together, and it should be a partnership to better advocate for your needs throughout the year. A partnership relies heavily on trust, and I want my peers to not only trust that I will wholeheartedly support them, but also believe that I will do everything in my power to find a resolution. Additionally, I strongly believe that my role demands being accessible to my peers twenty-four hours a day as a source of comfort, complaints, rantings, laughter, and more. As such, my priority as President is to encourage my peers to communicate any issues or positive feedback at any time, without needing to wait for the next meeting or poll. I will make certain that every individual has access to at least one of the several platforms that I can be reached on, whether it be Facebook Messages, text messages, emails, and more. |
Resource Champion and Community Building Finally, as a new cohort, it is easy to forget that there are other individuals outside of the classroom who can be of excellent assistance throughout this challenging journey. Upperclassmen medical students can provide valuable guidance, knowledge, and advice, which will help our class feel more confident and prepared to face the obstacles throughout this year. They can also be a source of strong partnerships, lasting friendships, and positive interactions to further elevate our experience. As President, I will communicate frequently with the MSS Presidents of Med-2, Med-3, and Med-4, along with the executive president of the MSS during our year to ensure that we have all the necessary information and resources to succeed. With the help of the other presidents and my own class representative, I will also plan social events to allow our class to have the chance to meet and engage with the upperclassmen throughout the year. This will help them feel less intimidated and more comfortable interacting with their upper-level students. I want to build a collaborative dynamic between all the students in the Gatineau campus, and provide our class with a sense of unity with the rest of the student body. |
All in all, I am committed, resilient, dependable, trustworthy, compassionate, and open-minded, and I hope to have the chance to demonstrate these qualities as the Med-1 President!
Let’s work together to shape our home and make this year an exceptional one!
Welcome home class of 2028!
Med-1 Class Representative
Evan Puligandla

3 key points
- Fun and engaging events for everyone
- I value your input – I want to hear your thoughts
- I care about all of you and I’m here for you.
Here’s to a great year!
3 points essentiels
- Des événements amusants et engageants pour tout le monde
- J’accorde de l’importance à votre contribution – je veux entendre vos idées
- Je me soucie de vous tous et je suis là pour vous.
Who am I
My name is Evan Puligandla (he/him) and I’m from Montreal. I’ve been at McGill for both my undergrad in pharmacology and my master’s degree in human genetics. Evidently, I’ve been through a lot of school and decided to do even more! Outside of school I love to workout and swim, however, do not ask me to run! I also love music whether it’s live or in my room.I’m also learning the guitar but check in with me in a few months regarding that… Otherwise, I like to keep an open mind and I’m always open to doing or learning new things as I hope to do so with many of you this year. A lot of you may already know that I was admitted to McGill less than 24 hours before orientation and simply put, I’m so happy to be here with all of you. I cannot wait to make this a memorable Med-1 year.
My experience
Regarding experience, I have taken many positions dating back to CEGEP where I was year representative or during my undergrad where was the U3 representative of PILS (pharmacology student council). Both roles involved working with the student body to create events and act as liaison with the student union or department. I’ve planned large formal events, grad events, and smaller intimate gatherings.I love to plan events both big and small and I take great pride in making sure they are as good as they can be. I truly care about all of you and want everyone to have fun and feel included.
Overall, I believe I am well qualified for the job and would love to take my next step as Med-1 Rep!
My platform
Events – My goal is to work closely with previous years to understand which events deserve sequels. I want every event to be a hit! Of course, I want to introduce new events that hopefully become staples of the Gatineau campus. We also must remember that a big piece of our 2028 cohort is in Montreal who I’m hoping to create joint events with that our entire cohort can participate in! Here’s a few ideas of events that I’d like to put together: Halloween parties, holiday gatherings, relaxing post-exam events, a ski trip and other winter activities, or cabane à sucre, to name a few.
Community and Inclusivity – On the same topic of events, I want to ensure that everyone feels welcome. My goal is to listen and try to accommodate everyone’s needs. Getting more people involved is always a good thing. I want everyone to remember we are a family. Whether you’re a Med-P or an undergrad (or even more), we all made it and we all have the same (ugly) backpack.
I also welcome suggestions for improvements to events, or even a pitch for a new event! If you’ve got a good idea, I want to hear it. Let’s make it happen!
Communication – Representing the class is an important job and requires communication. I want to make sure everyone is well informed on any upcoming events or information that may affect you whether it be through group chats, MSS communications, or in class announcements. No one left behind!
Remember, communication goes both ways. I welcome you to voice your input or anything relevant either directly to me (email, private messages) or if you don’t feel comfortable doing so, through an anonymous feedback system, which I would like to establish.I want everyone to be heard no matter what the issue may be. I am prepared to address any issue quickly and with care. Communicating with me will be easy!
Vote for me!
To sum up my platform, here are 3 things to remember:
- Fun and engaging events for everyone
- I value your input – I want to hear your thoughts
- I care about all of you and I’m here for you.
Here’s to a great year!
Important Dates to Remember
Campaigning period – September 11th to 15th – Feel free to ask me about my platform!
Elections – September 16th to 20th – Remember to VOTE!
Qui suis-je ?
Je m’appelle Evan Puligandla (il/lui) et je suis originaire de Montréal. J’ai fait mon baccalauréat en pharmacologie et ma maîtrise en génétique humaine à McGill. De toute évidence, j’ai poursuivi de longues années d’études et j’ai décidé d’en faire encore plus! En dehors de l’école, j’aime faire de l’haltérophilie et de la natation, par contre ne me demandez pas de courir! J’aime aussi la musique, que ce soit en concert ou dans ma chambre. J’apprends aussi la guitare, mais revenez me voir dans quelques mois à ce sujet… Sinon, j’aime garder l’esprit ouvert et je suis toujours prêt à faire ou à apprendre de nouvelles choses, comme j’espère le faire avec vous cette année.
Peut-être vous le savez déjà, mais j’ai été admis à McGill moins de 24 heures avant l’orientation et, tout simplement, je suis très heureux d’être ici avec vous tous. J’ai hâte de faire de cette année une année Med-1 mémorable.
Mon expérience
En ce qui concerne mon expérience, j’ai occupé de nombreux postes de représentant de classe datant même jusqu’au CÉGEP. Plus récemment, j’ai été le représentant U3 de PILS (l’équivalent de la MSS pour la pharmacologie). Durant mon temps en tant que représentant de classe, j’ai collaboré avec les étudiants pour organiser des événements et assurer la liaison avec l’association étudiante. J’ai planifié des événements de toute échelle allant de grands événements formels, d’événements pour diplômés et de plus petits événements intimes. J’adore organiser des événements, petits ou grands, et je tiens grande priorité qu’ils soient aussi amusants et agréables que possible. Je tiens sincèrement à chacun d’entre vous et je veux que tout le monde s’amuse et se sente inclus.
Bref, je pense être bien qualifié pour le poste et je serais ravi de passer à la prochaine étape en tant que représentant Med-1!
Ma plateforme
Événements – Mon objectif est de travailler en collaboration avec les années précédentes pour comprendre quels événements méritent d’être reproduits. Je veux que chaque événement soit un succès! Bien sûr, je veux introduire de nouveaux événements qui, j’espère, deviendront des incontournables du campus de Gatineau. Nous devons également nous rappeler qu’une grande partie de notre cohorte 2028 se trouve à Montréal. Je désire créer des événements communs auxquels toute la cohorte pourra participer! Voici quelques idées d’événements que j’aimerais organiser : des fêtes d’Halloween, des événements pour les vacances, des événements de détente après les examens, un voyage de ski et d’autres activités hivernales, ou une cabane à sucre, pour en nommer quelques-uns.
Communauté et inclusivité – Sur le même sujet des événements, je veux m’assurer que tout le monde se sente le bienvenu. Mon objectif est d’écouter les besoins de chacun et de faire mon mieux à vous accommoder. La participation d’un plus grand nombre de personnes est toujours une bonne chose. Je veux que chacun se souvienne que nous sommes une famille. Que vous soyez un Med-P ou un baccalauréat(ou même plus), nous sommes tous ici et nous avons tous le même sac à dos avec une couleur douteuse…
Je suis également ouvert aux suggestions d’amélioration des événements, ou même aux propositions de nouveaux événements! Si vous avez une bonne idée, je veux l’entendre. Réalisons-le ensemble!
Communication – Représenter la classe est un travail important qui nécessite de la communication. Je veux m’assurer que tout le monde est bien informé des événements à venir ou des informations qui peuvent vous concerner, que ce soit par le chat de groupe, de
communications MSS ou d’annonces en classe. Personne n’est laissé pour compte!
N’oubliez pas que la communication va dans les deux sens. Je vous invite à me faire part de vos commentaires ou de toute autre information pertinente, soit directement (courriel, messages privés), ou si vous ne vous sentez pas à l’aise, par un système anonyme que j’aimerais mettre en place. Je veux que tout le monde soit entendu, quel que soit le problème. Je suis prêt à traiter toute question promptement. La communication avec moi va être facile.
Votez pour moi!
Pour résumer mon programme, voici 3 choses à retenir :
- Des événements amusants et engageants pour tout le monde
- J’accorde de l’importance à votre contribution – je veux entendre vos idées
- Je me soucie de vous tous et je suis là pour vous.
Je vous souhaite une excellente année !
Dates importantes à retenir
Période de campagne – du 11 au 15 septembre – N’hésitez pas à me poser des questions sur mon programme!
Élections – du 16 au 20 septembre – N’oubliez pas de voter!