McGill Robotic Surgery Students’ Association

Club week video

About the club

Robotic surgery is the future of surgical interventions, ushering in a new era of precision, efficiency, and patient care. The mission of McGill Robotic Surgery Students’ Association (MRSSA) is to stimulate and nurture students’ interests in the revolutionary field of robotic surgery. MRSSA is committed to fostering a community of future physicians equipped with knowledge and hands-on experience in the most advanced surgical techniques available.

MRSSA will provide workshops on simulated robotic surgeries, conduct hospital tours to visit Montreal and Ottawa’s surgical robots, and invite experienced surgeons operating through the Da Vinci arms to give talks and share their insights. We also aim to expand research into the utility of robotic surgical equipment through the collaboration of students with experienced surgeons.

The MRSSA strives to be a beacon of innovation, a testament to McGill’s dedication to staying at the forefront of medical and surgical advancements. Join us for an enriching journey where theory meets practice, and the future of surgical innovation is at your fingertips.

Contact information

PresidentKhaled Skaik, class of
VP EventsOmar Toubar, class of
VP EventsAymen Sahal, class of
VP EventsMustafa Fakih, class of
VP EventsMahmoud Moustafa, class of
VP FinanceWassim Senouci, class of
VP CommunicationsTaliah Hyjazie, class of