MSS Urology Interest Group (MUIG)

About the club

The mission of the MSS Urology Interest Group (MUIG) is to provide interested medical students with meaningful opportunities to explore and deepen their understanding of urology. By collaborating with leading urologists, residents, provincial and national associations, we aim to enrich students’ appreciation of urological pathologies, procedures, and research.

We offer opportunities such as simulation workshops, educational seminars, boot camps, mentorships, shadowing and research. Such opportunities will equip students with vital skills and knowledge for pursuing careers in urology.
MUIG is built on a foundation of inclusivity, academic excellence, and the well-being of our members and executives. We are committed to fostering a culture of curiosity, respect, and professional development to inspire the next generation of competent and compassionate urologists.

Contact information

PresidentSepehr Niakani, class of
Vice presidentAdam Hassan, class of