McGill Asian Medical Student Association (AMSA)

Club week video

About the club

The McGill Asian Medical Student Association (AMSA) is dedicated to fostering awareness, engagement, and collaboration within the Asian medical care community. Serving as the cornerstone that unites Asians in these fields, we organize and promote a variety of cultural and social events, including networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and career talks. Furthermore, the initiative to create a Mobile Health Clinic further extends our commitment by addressing geographical and translation barriers, bringing essential health services directly to underserved areas within the Asian community, and providing an invaluable hands-on experience for medical students to better understand and meet the unique healthcare needs of diverse populations.

Contact information

Co-PresidentVan-Han-Alex Chung, class of
Co-PresidentDimitri Yang, class of 2026
VP CommunicationsYilin Zhang, class of 2026
VP EventsViet Hoang, class of 2026
VP EventsKenneth Tan, class of 2026
VP ExternalRoger Pang, class of 2026
VP InternalJimin Lew, class of 2026
VP OrganizationAlexander Kwan, class of 2026
VP OutreachMonica Taing, class of 2026
VP FinanceNicholas Gagnon-Choy, class of 2026